Chapter 33

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Over the past few days, Marinette and Felix have been out for coffee on numerous occasions together, walking in the park, chilling in each other's rooms and even spending an hour minimum texting or talking over the phone over the weekends.

The pair were currently out together again. Marinette literally had to drag Felix out of his room because he had been cooped up in there studying for hours with no break. She would have invited the others to come with them but Claude was working on an art project, Allan was at basketball training and Allegra was at orchestra club.

Felix had protested but he hardly resisted getting dragged out of his room by the smaller girl.

The two have a knack for turning even the simplest of topics into epic debates. On this particular evening, they found themselves sitting in a pizzeria.

Marinette examined the menu and as her eyes fell upon a particular type of pizza, she looked up at Felix and asked, "Alright, Felix, it's time for the ultimate showdown. Pineapple on pizza: yay or nay?"

Felix playfully rolled his eyes at the question, "Oh, Marinette, not this again. Pineapple absolutely belongs on pizza. It adds a sweet, tropical twist that perfectly complements the savoury toppings.

Marinette genuinely looked shocked by his answer, "'Sweet twist' on pizza? That is a crime against pizza kind! You might as well put gummy bears and jelly beans on there while you're at it!" she said.

"Come on, Marinette. Pineapple and ham are like the dynamic duo of pizza toppings. They bring balance to the force."

Marinette quirked a brow, "Balance? This is pizza, not a Jedi council meeting. Pizza should be a savoury masterpiece, not a fruit salad in disguise." She replied, "I'm surprised honestly. For someone who hardly likes anything sweet, I never would've expected you to like pineapple on pizza this much. At all even,"

Felix smirked, "Well, Miss. Savory, I bet you can't resist the allure of a barbecue chicken pizza. Sweet and tangy barbecue sauce, tender chicken, and crispy bacon— what's not to like?"

"Alright, you got me there. BBQ chicken is a guilty pleasure. But it's an exception, not the rule!"

"Well, you can like your classic boring pepperoni while I indulge in my pineapple paradise."

"Excuse me, pepperoni is not boring, it's amazing and you can never go wrong with it. And it's one of the many pizzas that actually make sense unlike Hawaiian pizza,"

"You know what?" Felix said, putting th menu down, "That is what I am going to order,"

Marinette's eyes widened a fraction, "You're doing that to be annoying. You don't actually want that pizza," she said, scrunching her nose a little,"

"Yes, I do,"

"No you do-"

"Good evening, are you ready to order?" a waiter, who looked to be around their age or a year or two older, interrupted.

Felix noticed that the guy seemed to be directing the question more towards marinette than actually asking the bother of them. He rolled his eyes and spoke up, "Yes we are ready to order,"

The waiter looked away from Marinette and gave Felix an annoyed glance, "Right. What would you like?"

"Medium Hawaiian pizza please," Felix replied

The waiter nodded and noted down Felix's order before turning back to Marinette, "And you beautiful?"

Marinette didn't seem to be paying much attention to what the waiter was saying but heard enough to know that he was asking her what she wanted. She had been too busy looking through the dessert options, deciding whether or not she would buy any today.

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