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Getting used to the Beach took some people a while, but Sora, it only took two whole days before he was used to the place. And honestly, Reika was the second one who only took a couple of days to get used to the Beach. It wasn't like what she expected, but she was enjoying herself more than she thought.

However, Yuumi and Aya were struggling to get used to the Beach. Between the loud music and the rules, for once, they were on a level playing field. Aya was more worried about Sora than the Beach in general, but at the same time, she wished she never came. Yuumi, on the other hand, heard about the Beach, he didn't know much about the place, but it was nothing like he expected.

Sure, he said he was going to like the place, but it turned out he hated the place.

It was too loud. Too many people. He kept walking in on someone either fucking, getting sucked off, or getting naked. At first, Yuumi didn't mind it, but after more than twenty times, it was something that Yuumi had a hard time avoiding. The players really took the whole "anything goes" to the extreme. Yuumi was no prude by any means, he just didn't want to continously walk into one room or out to the pool and find couples undressing each other in broad daylight.

Sora had a pair of sunglasses on his face as he lounged by the pool. He was still avoiding going into the pool – later that afternoon, Sora was told by one of the players that if he wanted to see a "doctor," he should see An. An was on the executives of the Beach, one of Hatter's higher ups, but according to the player, she was the one you went to if you were injured.

Yuumi sat next to him, looking around the pool. He absentmindedly scratched where the bracelet sat on his arm. "I'm going to go into the pool," Yuumi said.

Sora nodded, keeping his eyes closed.

The four of them decided to make what Aya called a pack. They would make sure someone in the pack knew where they'd be. With the idea of dying in the Beach instead of in a game, Aya and Reika were the ones who decided to make this pack. Sora didn't mind, just if they left him alone on occasion. He didn't need to know where everyone was always, but it was nice to get a heads up.

Yuumi removed his shirt, tossing it onto the chair before heading to the pool.

Sora opened his eyes, looking up at the bright sky.

It honestly felt weird being at the Beach – it wasn't a top priority for Sora to get there, but now that he was, there was a slight at ease feeling. The looming thought of death still lingered, obviously, they were playing games that could get them killed. It was always going to be something that was on Sora's mind.

Sora removed his sunglasses, sitting up in the lounger. He decided to look around at everything. The DJ was playing some remix that Sora wasn't interested in, but the others around him certainly were. The only thing that Sora did notice when it came to the morning party life, there was a lot less sexual activity. He suspected that the people who were doing those things were probably asleep in their room or any room for that matter.

Stardust || Chishiya ShuntarōHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin