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Chishiya was true to his word – on the fourth day, he kicked Sora and Reika out. He passed along some of the supplies and pushed them out of his hideout. Chishiya also decided to move in case either of them came back. At least he was true to his word, Sora half thought that Chishiya would warm up to the idea of them. He was dead wrong.

But he didn't mind.

Sora's arm was wrapped around Reika's shoulders, walking slowly down the street. They did have to stop several times since Chishiya kicked them out. It was shortly after he redressed Sora's stab wound.

Reika held Sora up the best she could as they walked down the street. It was already the afternoon, and just like their home, it was boiling. "You would have one of the places that is too far away." Reika said.

"Well, when you are walking at a snail's pace, yeah, it feels like that." Sora said, keeping his hand on his side as he walked. Sora looked around as they turned the corner. Suddenly, Sora shouted in pain as someone hugged him out of the blue. Reika frantically tried to pull Aya off Sora, but Aya just pushed Reika to the side.

"Aya, let go of him!" Yuumi shouted. He made his way over to Reika, "Are you okay?" Reika nodded her head, looking over at Aya who was refusing to let go of Sora. Sora was attempting to push her off him. "Aya! Seriously, let go!" Yuumi yanked Aya off Sora. Reika was at Sora's side when he bent forward, clearly in pain. He clung to his side. "What the fuck's wrong with you?" Yuumi asked.

Aya glared. "He's alive!"

"And hurt!" Aya looked over at Sora. Reika was holding his shoulders as Sora was bent forward. Yuumi groaned, placing his hands behind his head. "Aya, I swear..."

Sora lifted his head up, glaring at Aya. "I hate you." Sora groaned out. He slowly stood straight again with the help of Reika. She glared at Aya, not particularly liking that she just hugged him without making sure he wasn't hurt first. Clearly, he was gone for a few days, why didn't it cross her mind that Sora was hurt and not hiding?


"Fuck, I'm into dick these days." Sora commented, shaking his head. "Miki Aya," Reika's eyes widened as she stared over at Aya. "That's Yuumi." Yuumi gave a short wave to Reika. Sora cleared his throat, "This is Reika, we met during my last game." Sora explained.

"Where the fuck have you been?"

And now Sora remembered why Aya's name in his phone was Devil Bitch. "I was fucking stabbed, Aya. For the love of..." Sora groaned again. Reika led him over to a platform by a shop. Sora slowly sat down, thanking Reika. "I was- Aya, stop!" Sora slapped Aya's hands off him. "Knock it off! I'm not a child!"

Yuumi took Aya by the shoulders, pulling her away from Sora. He stood between them, not wanting to cause a fight between them. Sora was already down for the count, they didn't need Aya to. "What happened to you?" Yuumi asked, thinking logically and not frantically.

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