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Sora and Aya split up, running around the abandoned crosswalk, trying to find anyone or anything. Sora yanked open doors to shops he once frequented as a teenager – yet, every place he went into, no one was around. Sora wasn't sure what was happening, but he was stuck in some kind of nightmare. 

As he walked into the 7-11 on the corner, the windows were already busted in. Glass was scattered across the floor as he entered. Sora had to cover his mouth and nose at the smell of rotting food from the dead coolers. Sora quickly exited, breathing heavily. He didn't know what was happening or what happened to bring him and Aya into this place that looked identical to Tokyo and Shibuya, but he wanted to find out. Sora made his way to another store, seeing Aya taking her sweet time.

"For fuck's sake." Sora rolled his eyes as he pushed open the door to the shop. "Are you fucking serious right now, Aya?" Sora asked, leaning against the doorframe. 

Aya looked over her shoulder innocently.

Sora's head hung. 

No, Aya would take the time to fucking shop – correction: shoplift

"I don't have time to deal with your shopping addiction," Sora said as he entered the shop. He grabbed Aya's arm, yanking her from the shop. She stated with the "but, but, but" but Sora refused to listen to her reasoning to shop instead of finding out what the fuck happened to them. 

Aya walked next to Sora, pouting, arms crossed against her chest. "Would you wipe the pout off your face, Aya? This really isn't the time to be pissed at me." Sora said. At the moment, they were just walking down random streets around Shibuya Crossing – and like before, no one was around. "If this is some kind of sick nightmare, why must you be here with me?" Sora questioned.

Aya smacked his arm. "You aren't exactly the person I want in my dreams either." Aya looked down one of the streets. "Sora," Aya grabbed his upper arm, stopping him from walking further down the street. "What's that?" Aya asked as she pointed to something laying in the alleyway. 

Sora turned his head, looking at what Aya had found. Sora squinted his eyes, tilting his head. "It looks like a body." Sora said. 

"Body?" Aya gasped. 

Sora removed Aya's hands from his arm, walking down the alleyway. "Sora, what are you doing!?" Sora ignored her, walking further down the alleyway to see what it actually was. Approaching the thing just lying there, Sora stopped short. Aya could see his body going stiff.

But Sora leaned down slightly, grabbing the wooden beam that was leaning against the empty crates. He used the beam, pushing the shoulder of the man so he'd go onto his back. The beam dropped from Sora's hands dramatically, smacking down onto his feet, but the pain didn't register with him right away. 

His eyes were wide, staring down at the body of a young man, right around Sora's age. There was blood all over his face, but what Sora was the most concerned about was the fact that there was a hole in the top of his head, and it ended right under his chin. Sora couldn't take his eyes off the young man; a chill went down Sora's spine. He had no idea what had happened here or what he was about to deal with. 

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