2 : Doors Unlocked And Open

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[1983 - 2008]

It wasn't a surprising thought to know that Leigh Milanesi did not like Constable Gwen Cooper in the slightest. This disdain might have been petty, however, he believed it was worth it. At first, she was a nonexistent part of his life, but from the moment she decided to follow them back to the hub, she had embedded herself in his life.

     Quickly, Leigh realised that he would never be rid of her. It didn't happen very often, and not for a while, but this felt like one of those days.

     The constable in question had been milling around the Bay Area for hours. She'd taken so long that the entire crew had been forced into paperwork, just waiting for her. Her face was on every monitor, clearly too confused to make any real movements.

     Owen was intent on making bets to determine how long it would take her to find them. Although, it seemed that Leigh was the only one willing to play ball. (Angel was wholly against gambling, so they kept it to themselves.)  The stakes weren't exactly high; a pack of cigarettes for Leigh, and a pint of whatever for Owen.

     They weren't expecting it to be dark when she finally plucked up the courage to approach the hub. Even the offie would be closed by now, and the cigarettes would have to wait until tomorrow. It almost wasn't worth it, then again, free fags were always a bonus.

     When the monitor beeped, Ianto was notified to get into character. Their loving, glorified secretary served as a brilliant distraction at the tourist information desk. No one ever suspected a thing because he was just so personable. Constable Gwen Cooper had no idea what she was in for.

     What Ianto buzzed the door open, her fake pizza delivery scheme in action, and he told her in a rather firm voice. "Don't keep them waiting."

     There were a series of corridors and a lift she had to go through before even coming close to the hub centre. Though, when she did find them, pizza box in hand, her breaths were heavy enough to give her away. She was blending in, or she was attempting to. Before now, she had never partaken in undercover work, and it showed. All she had to do was deliver food, it wasn't exactly the Golden Globes, more the community theatre.

They had made a plan. They made a plan because even an idiot would know that she would have one.

When she walked in, all she saw was grey, and concrete, our bunker like room. But upon closer inspection, she found there were too many details to ever look at everything. She stood still by the door, attempting to take it in.

The ceilings expand upwards as far as the eye can see, the underground base extending its height. A small stream of water runs beneath a walkway, above the concrete. By the desks, sitting on the floor, was a severed hand in a bubbling jar. It had the tendency to look at people.

However, that lost all interest as soon as Gwen noticed the crew instead. Suzie was working on the gauntlet, attempting to rework the metal, to no avail. Owen and Tosh were on the computers either side of Leigh as he sorted through the files from the past few weeks, cross referencing the weevil sightings. Angel was a little further away, on the phone to someone or other... and Jack, he was walking around the base until he reached his desk, all the while ignoring her.

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