Chapter 30: Going To Jedha

Start from the beginning

We leave the command centre to get some sleep.

(The next day)

So today we're leaving Crait and heading to Jedha to meet with Kanan.

Sabine and I are in the cockpit on the Shadow getting her ready to fly.

Y/N: Alright, she's ready.

Just then Finn and Bode come in and sit behind us.

Finn: We ready to go?

Y/N: Yep. Let's do it.

Sabine and I fly the Shadow out of the hanger bay and fly out into space.

After that we plot a course to Jedha and go into hyperspace.

(Two hours later)

(Planet: Jedha)

The Shadow comes out of hyperspace above Jedha.

Sabine looks at me.

Sabine: How long has Kanan been here for?

Y/N: Since the Ghost Crew disbanded. I think Hera and Jacen are here too.

Sabine: Yeah and Zeb is still lookin' for more of his people to take them to Lira San.

Y/N: And we stayed to help the Rebels fight back against the Empire. We really did go our separate ways.

Sabine: It doesn't mean we stopped loving each other.

I smile.

Y/N: That's true.

We land down in the desert.

Problem is that there's a sand storm incoming.

Bode: Are we near your Master's location.

Y/N: No. We're as close as we can get with that sand storm out there.

We all go into the lounge.

Y/N: So, I'm gonna go out there and get to Kanan's location. Once I'm there I'll send you the location and you can fly the Shadow there.

Sabine: No, you're not going alone.

Y/N: Sabine, I'll be okay. I promise.

Finn: Are you sure about this, bro?

Y/N: Yeah, I go this.

Finn: Okay. Just don't do anything I wouldn't do.

He and I clapse hands.

Y/N: I won't.

I look down at BD-2.

Y/N: BD, you stay here. Once the storm passes, I want you to do scans to make sure the storm didn't do too much damage.

BD-2: (Beeps.)

Y/N: I'll be okay, buddy.

After that I say goodbye to Bode and go over to the ship's to lower it.

Sabine comes over.

Sabine: I don't like this, but I know better than to stop you. Just be careful.

Y/N: I will. I promise.

I kiss her on the cheek before leaving.

I walk out into the desert and see the sand storm nearby.

Y/N: I better get moving.

I follow the trail to Kanan's location.

(Thirty minutes later)

So, I've been on the move for a bit of time now and I've learnt that the Empire is on Jedha.

I make it into a run-down temple and see a squad of Stormtroopers.

I sigh.

Y/N: I don't have time to go around. I need to take them down.

I ingite my lightsaber and rush at the Stormtroopers.

They fire at me, but I block their blaster shots.

I get closer to them and cut the Stormtroopers down.

A moment later, a few of them get shot down.

Once the Stormtroopers are down I look up to see Stormtroopers fall off the upper level.

Just then I see Zeb step forward and he looks down at me.

Zeb: Hey, kid. Good to see ya.

I chuckle.

Y/N: Hey, Zeb. You been watching me?

He drops down and comes over to me.

Zeb: Nah. I heard blaster shots and came to see what was happening.

Y/N: What are you doing here?

Zeb: Kanan's scanners pick up a ship's signal nearby that matched your ship. He figured it was you, so I came out here to check it out.

Y/N: So, you know where he is?

Zeb: Yeah. I'll take you to him. Let's go.

We start walking and more Stormtroopers come out.

I ingite my lightsaber.

Y/N: You ready for this, big guy?

Zeb: Yeah, let's do it.

We charge at the Stormtroopers.

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