Chapter 40: Rich Man Poor Man My Man

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"Hmm, perhaps there's a book out there about your situation, my dear," Ayato suggested, his hand sneaking into yours.

"Are you suggesting that I'm not special? That an unfunctioning vision is common? Am I not the main character?" you quipped, half-jokingly.

As Ayato turned to face you, his commanding presence intimidating you, you couldn't help but feel a flutter of nervous energy spin in the pit of your stomach. His towering figure exuded masculinity, and as he leaned in close, his warm breath against your ear sent a shiver down your spine.

"Am I suggesting you're not special?" His whispered words, laden with playful charm, ignited a spark of flustered embarrassment within you. His voice was like velvet, smoothing over your senses and leaving you momentarily speechless.

"Hmph, quite the opposite," he continued, his tone dripping with confidence. "You're the main character of my story."

Your heart skipped a beat as his words sank in, leaving you feeling exposed and vulnerable. Despite your best efforts to conjure a witty comeback, all you could manage was a soft stammer, your cheeks flushing with a rosy hue.

"I, um...I..." You faltered, unable to find the words to match his effortless charm. Caught off guard by his bold declaration, you could only offer a shy smile, your mind racing with a flurry of emotions. Ayato's confident demeanor had rendered you momentarily speechless, leaving you feeling both flustered and strangely exhilarated.

With a grin spreading across his face, Ayato reveled in your reaction before whisking you away to the Wanwen Bookhouse. Stepping through the entrance ahead of you, he was promptly greeted by the owner, Jifang.

Her eyes widened in awe at the sight of Ayato's striking presence, completely oblivious to your presence hiding behind him. "W-w-welcome Bookhouse," she stuttered, her gaze fixated on Ayato with undisguised admiration.

Ayato responded with his trademark graceful smile, his demeanor as polished as ever. "Greetings. I'm in search of a specific kind of book--"

Before he could finish, Jifang interrupted, her voice laced with admiration, "Oh, you just look like a Prince straight out of a fantasy novel. Are you, um...are you--"

"He's not!" You interjected, unable to contain your annoyance and jealousy, though you refused to admit it. Stepping out from behind Ayato, you grabbed his arm and pulled it protectively to your chest, flashing your wedding ring for emphasis. "We're married."

Jifang's expression shifted from awe to shock, her features contorting into a sour grimace as she muttered under her breath, "I could be a better wife to him."

Though Ayato cast a glance your way, his expression implying a mix of embarrassment and amusement at your jealousy, he gently patted your back, silently reassuring you before continuing with his inquiry. "Now, as I was saying, I'm searching for a book containing information on visions."

Jifang paused to consider your request, tucking a loose strand of hair behind her ear. "Hmm, anything specific about visions?"

"We're seeking guidance on how to reawaken one," you cut-in, a note of desperation creeping into your voice.

"Ah, I see..." Jifang chuckled awkwardly, her demeanor shifting as she struggled to provide an answer. "Well, there's no book specifically dedicated to that topic. Visions are typically awakened upon receipt, and the concept of reawakening one is...bizarre, to say the least."

"I knew it," you murmured quietly under your breath, a wry smile tugging at the corners of your lips as you turned to Jifang. "Mmmk thank you, byeee!" you chirped, mustering a saccharine tone to mask your inner turmoil.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 30 ⏰

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