Chapter Twelve

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I ran through the woods, despite the small fear of spotting the hooded figures. I couldn't deal with fear now though, I had too much energy built up inside of me. I made sure I was completely calmed down before making my way towards the academy again.
  I had missed a few classes already and decided to just skip the rest of the day. I couldn't deal with seeing the guy's faces again after this morning.
  I would love nothing more than to raid the ice cream stash in the cafeteria and enjoy it in my dorm room. However, that option was thrown completely out of the window when Olivia hunted me down and dragged me to Jasper's room to get ready for the party.
  I pulled on my black leather mini-skirt and red tops with my black combat boots, which were a gift from my mother. She practically lives in her pair. I scrunched my hair a little, letting the waves fall naturally around me. I lastly applied some red lip gloss, giving me a tinted pout before applying some eyeliner and mascara to finish it off.
  I turned around and groaned as Olivia was still getting ready, which was absurd at this point. She's been in here for hours now, and by the look on Jasper's face, I could tell that he was over it too. Not to mention, she's been gossiping up a storm in here. I turned out most parts of what she was saying, although, I did listen to the part where Jasper has a crush on AJ, a male lion shifter.
  "Come on, O. I've had a shit day and I just want to be nose deep in alcohol right now," I said, inching my way towards the door.
  "Fine. How do I look?" She asked, pulling down her short wavy dress while shaking her curly red hair.
  "You look hot as always, Olive. Now let's go!" Jesper said, pushing both me and Olivia out of his dorm room.
  We made our way out of the dormitories and into the warm late summer air. I was thankful for the warmth of the long summer weather, dreading the cold that was sure to come soon. There was no one else in sight as we made our way across the campus and into the woods.
  The more we walked, the more anxious I was getting. Where was the party? And then all at once, we passed a barrier that was surely made with magic, and finally, the loud noise of music and talking reached my ears. There were so many people, I didn't know where to look first.
  "Isn't this great?" Olivia yelled in my ear as she grabbed my arm and pulled me towards the drinks. The party really was great. The music was loud but at least whoever chose it had good taste.
  I grabbed bottles of liquor, filling up a cup and mixing it with some other drinks spread around. "What's this?" I held up a clear bottle that wasn't labeled.
  "That's a potion the head of the party committee makes. It basically takes away our supernatural inhibitor that dulls the effect of alcohol. But I wouldn't drink it unless you don't plan on walking home tonight," Olivia said, taking a big gulp of her drink. Alrighty then.
  We were practically glued to the drink station until we both felt tipsy enough to dance. Luckily, Olivia could care less of the watchful eyes on us as we both danced and grinded on each other. It felt nice to have someone who wasn't judgemental and who didn't care what other people thought.
  I could see her gaze focused on a girl across the clearing who looks very similar to the girl in Olivia's drawings. "Go talk to her," I yelled in her ear, smiling as she realized I had caught her.
  "You sure?" She asked, already inching her way in that direction.
  I waved her off. "I'm gonna get more drinks. Make a move."
  Before she could say anything more, I turned around and made my way back to the drinks. I let my gaze trail across the numerous people in the woods, noticing some familiar faces here and there.
  My gaze met Colt's as I took in his all-black attire, those snake-like eyes devouring me whole. It wasn't until I blinked, that I noticed who was with him. Or more like who wasn't.
  Three girls clung to him, eyeing for his attention. He didn't shake them off. But his eyes never once looked at them. No. He was looking at me. I wish I could say I hated the girls. But that was impossible, they were stunning. No, rather I hated myself for feeling self-conscious.
  I pushed those negative thoughts away and summoned up my usual confidence. I met his eyes straight on as I raised my glass to my lips and sipped. No, more like drain the contents down my throat. I licked my lips slowly, relishing in the way his pupils dilated before going completely black.
  I smirked before weaving through the throng of people and towards the dance floor. I closed my eyes as I let the music carry me away. The lights of the party flashing through my closed eyelids and the cloudy feeling of alcohol making me sway more confidently as I dance.
  I felt a presence in front and behind me, making me open my eyes. Kendrick gave me a devious smile that made me practically melt at the seams. I looked a little to my left and saw Bryxon's face behind me, his freckles standing out more as the lights shined down on us.
  "How are you liking your first Bloodmoon party?" Kendrick asked, moving closer to me as we danced in sync.
  "I think she's really enjoying the party from the looks of it," Bryxon replied, taking my drink from my hand and downing it.
  I watched his lips, remembering how they felt when he kissed me that night. Is it bad that I was wondering how good they'd feel somewhere else?
  "How much have you drunk, shortcake?" Kendrick asked, looking around the clearing, almost like he was making sure no males were getting any ideas of approaching me.
  I shrugged as I stared into his golden eyes, feeling like I somehow belonged here…belonged to him. But that was absurd, and I was drunk, so I let the feeling slide."I don't know. I lost count after four."
  Bryxon chuckled, the feeling of his hands on my waist, making me embarrassingly hot. "Well, we're already up to six. Looks like we got you beat."
  Although I was drunk, alcohol doesn't effect supernaturals the same way they do humans, so I wasn't as drunk as I should have been. But tell that to my fuzzy head and increased sex drive.
  "Who said it was a competition?" I whispered, my lips close enough to kiss Bryxon if he chose to close the distance.
  He grinned at me before looking up at Kendrick. "What do you say, Kendrick? More drinks?"
  Kendrick looked around as if he was assessing if there were any threats. There were some werewolves already fighting along the edge of the woods about god's knows what.
  "You wanna steal some booze and take it back to the dorms?" I suggested since I was focused more on them than I was on the actual party.
  I saw the look Kendrick gave Bryxon over my shoulder but I couldn't quite pinpoint what it was. I mentally shrugged, it could have meant nothing.
  I could see Colt's hard gaze from the corner of my eye as Bryxon slung his arm over my shoulder. Who the fuck was he to act pissed? He was the one surrounded by girls. But aren't you doing the same? The voice in my head, called Ari, reasons. Fuck off. I mentally scolded him back.
  We walked back towards the dorms at a slow pace which I guess Bryxon found frustrating as he threw me over his shoulder. "Bry!" I whisper-yelled before I let out a soft feminine giggle. Holy hell. Did that noise just come from my mouth? I blamed it on my drunken state.
  Kendrick was smiling at me as he walked behind Bryxon, taking a swig of tequila. "You're fucking shredded Ken," I said, watching the way his muscles flexed in his tight t-shirt.
  His cheeks heated slightly before he replied with a panty-dropping smirk at me. "And your tits look amazing from this angle, shortcake," My mouth dropped open. I think that's the dirtiest thing he's ever said to me.
  I opened my mouth to say something back before I felt Bryxon's hand slide a little closer to my rising skirt. I smacked him on the ass. "I don't think so, Bry." Please, don't listen to me.
  I felt Bryxon shrug, bouncing me slightly on his shoulder. The movement causing my breast to bounce slightly. Kendrick's golden eyes were practically eating it up. I wish he would.
  I could vaguely tell we were headed towards Kendrick's room since Quinton was no doubt in mine and Bryxon's. Kendrick let out a feral snarl, making me look up at him in surprise. It was directed towards a skittish male student in my Astrology class. I just now realized that Bryxon was tensed up and currently pulling my mini skirt down as if he just now realized how much of me was on display.
  I raised an eyebrow at Kendrick but noticed he looked away as if nothing had happened. Hmm, territorial now aren't we?
  Bryxon sat me down before unlocking Kendrick's door with his own set of keys. I guess it's safe to say that Bryxon and Kendrick were close friends if he trusted Bryxon enough with his dorm keys. We walked into a similar dorm room to ours, besides the fact that no one else was in here.
  Kendrick must have read the question on my face before he answered," I only share my room with one other person and he basically lives in his girlfriend's dorm room."
  I furrowed my eyebrows. "That's not fair. You're telling me you get all this and I'm stuck with three other people?"
  "First off, that was fucking rude. Second, Kendrick's parents are loaded," Bryxon said, stealing the bottle of tequila from Kendrick as he sat back on the bed, but an actual bed. Yes, I was extremely jealous.
  Kendrick shifted on his feet.
"It's not my fault they throw their money around. I don't mind sharing a room with others."
  I could see the hidden embarrassment on his face, so I didn't push the subject. I stalked across the room, pulling the bottle from Bryxon's death grip.
Bryxon released the bottle before he let a mischievous smirk pull across his face. "Truth or dare, Ski."
I rolled my eyes and groaned. "Come on, not this shit. Don't you know how these games always end?"
  Bryxon's eyes gleamed as if he knew where my mind was headed.
  Kendrick pulled the bottle from my hands before taking a gulp. "Dare."
  Bryxon looked at Kendrick for a long time before grinning. "I dare you to tell Skiler about the time you lost your virginity."
  I felt myself smiling, not caring at the fact that they both have slept with other people. I mean, that would make me a hypocrite if I did. I'm actually relieved neither one of them are virgins. It would honestly make me feel a little uncomfortable if I'm being honest with myself. I mean, I am definitely far off from being a virgin. Don't judge.
  Kendrick threw his head back and groaned. "Seriously? She doesn't want to hear that shit."
  I was practically bouncing with anticipation. "Hell yeah, I do!"
  Kendrick grinned despite his protests. "Fine. It was with a guy and a girl in a neighboring pride."
  My mouth dropped open. "You had a threesome your first time? Holy hell, that lucky bitch!" Okay, so I may find threesomes with two guys insanely hot.
  Bryxon's eyes were blazing so much, I was afraid it might spread through the room. Kendrick's face was slightly reddened which I found almost more attractive than his story.
  He cleared his throat before continuing. "I didn't really know what to do, so I was kind of…the referee you could say. Or that coach put me on the bench. It was pretty bad."
  I really tried, I did. But my loud laugh still escaped, making me fall into my back and shake with silent laughter.
  "Told you it was a funny one," Bryxon said with a grin on his face. Kendrick's responding facial expression only spoke of trouble and revenge.
  Bryxon ignored him as he turned that burning gaze to me. "Truth or dare?" I bit my lip and took a sip of liquor.
  "Predictable." I turned a small glare at Bryxon's attitude. "Have you ever been with two guys before?" Although I felt like he was asking me something completely different, I couldn't tell what other unspoken questions laid behind that statement.
  I took another gulp, his and Kendrick's eyes following the movement. I felt like I was on display as their eyes took me in. My small skirt and top riding up from my position on the floor.
  I finally shook my head, breathing a little unevenly from the looks they were giving me."No."
  Bryxon's gaze slid down towards Kendrick who was looking at me hungrily before turning back to me. "Come here."
  I shook my head, smirking like the little bitch that I am. "It's not my turn."
Kendrick let out a sex-laced laugh. "Your turn to ask, beautiful."
  "Dare," Bryxon said without taking his eyes off of me.
  I swallowed, contemplating what to say. "I dare you…to do something unexpected. Surprise me."
  Bryxon looked at me for a long moment, making me hold my breath in anticipation. However, I was not expecting him to grab Kendrick by the back of the neck and crash his lips against his.
I felt my heart rate pick up as Kendrick kissed Bryxon back with so much force. My core throbbed and I felt myself growing wet at the sight in front of me. Then, all too soon, they pulled back before looking at me.
  "Was that unexpected?" Bryxon asked in a deep voice, his lips already red from the force of the kiss. I nodded my head, breathing hard. Hell, you would have assumed I was the one being kissed with the way I sounded. "Truth or dare?" I didn't even bother pointing out that it was Kendrick's turn.
  "Dare." I breathed, practically shaking with need the longer I sat there.
  "Come here," he said in a commanding voice, one that I wasn't going to deny.
  I pushed myself off the floor, walking to the edge of the bed that Bryxon and Kendrick were perched on.
  Bryxon pulled me down onto his lap, making my skirt ride up even more. His warm breath tickled my ear as he whispered, "Kiss him." I felt my breath leave me in a rush as I gazed into hungry golden eyes.
  I shifted in Bryxon's lap, making him harden against me. Then, leaning forward, I pressed my lips against Kendrick's. It felt like a small part of me clicked into place, although it still felt incomplete in a way.
  I tried to lean in for another kiss before Kendrick leaned back and closed his eyes for a fraction of a second. "It's getting pretty late. Don't you have detention early in the morning?"
I blinked my eyes at the small dismissal. Although, I tried not to take it the wrong way. But tell that to my fractioning ego. I swallowed, feeling slightly embarrassed. "Yeah, I do. I had fun tonight though," I said before standing up and rearranging my skirt.
  I smiled, knowing it probably showed every ounce of my feelings, but I didn't have the energy to care. Bryxon looked like he wanted to say something, but I took the bottle of alcohol and shut the door before he could.
  I quickly walked back towards our dorm, throwing up a silencing bubble as I entered the dark bubble. I unzipped the small skirt before taking off my top, leaving me in my red lace underwear set. I turned towards the window, looking at the woods across campus. I raised the liquor bottle to my lips before drinking an unhealthy amount. "Fuck," I whispered aloud.
  "If you're going to strip down in here, make sure it's empty first." Quinton said from next to me. I looked up at the top of the bunk beds, and shit, there he was.
  I shrugged before looking back outside. "Who said I didn't know you were there."
  He raised an eyebrow in amusement. "Well considering you were trying and failing to put up a silencing bubble, I'd say that you were sneaking around."
  I tried to not let out a bitchy retort as I stood, feeling his eyes look up and down my almost naked body. "What do you want?" I said, sounding harsher than I intended.
   He frowned, jumping off the bed. It took all that I had in me to not back away from his towering frame. I wasn't scared of Quinton. No, I was mesmerized by him.
  "I'm sorry."
  I blinked up at him in surprise. "For what?"
  He looked to the floor as if apologizing wasn't something that he normally did. "For being a complete fucking asshole. Fot lying and saying the things that I said infront of the guys. If you want...I'll help you figure out what's going on."
  I sighed. "I don't know what else to do. There's no correlation between the sacrifices. Hell, we don't even know what they're doing. What kind of magic are they even using?"
   Quinton looked at me as if contemplating something. "I think there's a group of students who are linked to it. I've only figured out one person, though. And it may not even be anything."
  I turned to him fully now. "Who?"
  He bit his lio before breathing out. "Willoe Richards." Shit. Josephine's freind.

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