Chapter Six

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Quinton's P. O. V.

  What the fuck did I just do? I exhaled sharply, pacing back and forth in the small treehouse on the edge of the academy grounds. I had built it out of sight a year ago and luckily no one had found it yet.
  I kissed her. Why did I kiss her?! I gripped my hair in my hands, frustrated with myself. I lost control. I should have never followed her out there. But I couldn't leave her alone, going into those woods.
  I hated myself at that moment. I knew what was in those woods, and I knew what would come tomorrow. But she didn't. I should say something, but I knew she was most likely going to go to the authorities. It wouldn't help, believe me, I tried.
  No. I had to act like I didn't see anything when tomorrow comes. I didn't owe her anything. Then why did you kiss her?
  I shook my head at the memory of her lips on mine. The feeling of her delicate fingers running over my wings. They twitched at the memory, making me instantly hard again.
  I felt anger well up inside of me. "You idiot," I said aloud to myself. "She's not your mate. You ruined everything."
  I felt my heart crack a little at the thought that I gave away something that was solely meant for my destined mate. Would she hate me?
  I mean yeah I've been with girls, but that was before I grew into my powers and learned what a mate was. I haven't so much as hugged another woman in four years. What is it about Skiler that drives me crazy? That makes me lose control.
  I sighed, deciding not to think about it tonight. I stretched my wings and soared up into the sky. I could tell that the sky was getting more and more bright the longer I stayed out here, so I made my way back to the dorms.
  A part of me wanted to sneak back into the woods to watch the rest of the ceremony take place, but I didn't. I was still stuck in the same place that I was months ago. I still couldn't figure out who the faces were under the hoods. It just didn't make any logical sense. But of course, it wasn't logical. It was magic for fuck's sake.
  I quietly opened the cracked window in the dorm, noticing Skiler's small body facing the wall in her bunk. I couldn't help but stare until I noticed green eyes watching me from underneath her bunk.
  "Late night?" Bryxon asked with humor dancing in his eyes.
  I ignored him, hopping into my bunk, and laying down. I closed my eyes but not before hearing his muttered curse. "Lucky bastard." At that, I couldn't help the smug grin on my face before I fell fast asleep.

  Skiler's P. O. V.

  My eyes opened the same moment my alarm clock went off. There was no way that I was going to be running late again. My gaze unconsciously swung over to Quinton's bed, noticing it was already empty. I sighed, rubbing my face as if I could erase everything that happened last night. I couldn't tell which was worse. The kiss with Quinton or the death of my classmate. Actually, nevermind.
  The door swung open as Bryxon strode in the room with a towel around his waist. My eyes couldn't help but greedily take in every inch of exposed skin on his body. His toned chest and arms had a light speckling of freckles, while his damp orange-red hair looked as if it was on fire. Actually-
  "Is your hair on fire?" I asked in a sleepy voice as I stared at him unashamedly.
  His eyes met mine in surprise before he smirked. "You got your magic to dry your hair, I have my fire."
  "Ahhh, so I assume there's more to being a phoenix than just a little bit of fire?" I asked cheekily, before hopping off my bed and walking to the closet where he was standing.
  He bit his lip, hiding a grin. "Well, besides the fact that I can't be killed-"
  "What?!" I exclaimed, eyes wide.
  "There are worse things than dying," he said before removing his towel, leaving him completely nude. My eyes might have accidentally looked down…and I might have liked what I saw. And he also might have noticed as well.
  "You gonna get ready, or are you just gonna stand and objectify me, Skiler?"
  My eyes snapped up before I quickly left the room, wondering what the hell was wrong with me.

  I made my way to potions class with Bryxon, dreading what I was about to see when I got there. I sat down at our assigned table, ignoring everyone as I stared at the empty seat where William sat only yesterday.
  "You okay, Skiler?" Kendrick asked, looking at me with a concerned expression. His usual feline smile was now replaced with a frown.
  I couldn't bring myself to say anything, not even when Quinton, being the last one to arrive, sat down. I could tell from the corner of my eye that he wasn't even looking in my direction. Figures he would regret what happened between us.
  Upfront of the classroom, Professor Matthews began talking about what we'd be doing today. The sound of the door opening and shutting brought everyone's attention to the back of the classroom, including mine. My eyes widened as my mouth dropped open in complete shock.
  "Sorry, sir, I slept in. You know how hard the potions tournament was yesterday." William said as if his throat wasn't just split open last night.
  The professor just waved him in. "You're excused. Just don't make a habit of it."
  My eyes followed his body across the room to his seat as I began to inhale shaky breaths, shaking in my seat.
  "Skiler. What the fuck is wrong?" Bryxon asked, putting his hand on my arm.
  My eyes met his before I looked at Quinton, with a wild and frantic expression. "How?" I asked, my voice shaky and small. "Why aren't you freaking out about this?"
  He looked at me with emotionless, blank eyes as he responded. "I don't know what you mean."
  My mouth gaped at his response. "You know exactly what I'm talking about, Quinton. Last night, in the woods."
  "What's going on, Ski?" Kendrick asked lightly.
  I looked back at William and then back to him. "He died."
  "Who?" Kendrick asked.
  Bryxon looked over at William who was laughing with his friends and then back to me as he said gently, "Skiler, he's not dead."
  I shook my head, feeling that I was slightly losing my mind. Why wasn't Quinton saying anything? "No. I saw him. Quinton and me were in the woods, he saw it." My gaze swung to his, my eyes pleading with him to agree with me.
  He just stared at me with a bored look. "I have no idea what you're talking about. Yeah, I was with you last night, but we weren't necessarily talking."
  "Are you fucking kidding me?" I whispered in a deadly, quiet voice.
  He leaned forward, staring at me hard. "You don't have to make up a lie just to get me alone in the woods again."
  I stood up, anger building in me as I slammed my hands onto the wooden table. "Fuck you!" I yelled as the windows burst into pieces and screams pierced the air.
  "Ms. Maxwell. You just earned yourself a week's worth of detention. Get out of my classroom, now!"
  I looked at Quinton with dark eyes, noticing a look of regret in his gaze. But I didn't care. Fuck him, for lying his ass off. No doubt making the other guys think I'm mentally unstable, which isn't far off from the truth.
  Colt didn't even seem to react to the conversation. No, he looked like he might have even enjoyed the exchange. While Kendrick and Bryxon looked as if they were going to follow me out, but widely chose to stay put.
  I went straight into the woods in the opposite direction as last night where I screamed into the vast expanse of the academy grounds.

  Instead of going to lunch, I headed to the library in hopes of being ignored by everything and everyone. However, as I made my way towards the back corner, I heard a voice whisper-yell at me.
  "Skiler! Pst! Skiler, over here," Olivia's enchanting voice met my ears. However, instead of being irritated, I was actually relieved. I liked Olivia. She's the only girl that I would ever consider a friend.
  "Hey." I smiled at her, sitting down where she had drawings scattered across the table. I looked down at the one of a girl with night-black hair and a deep skin tone that looked like it was kissed by the sun herself. "These are amazing."
  Her cheeks blushed slightly as she moved the drawing underneath her sketchbook. "They're just observations I make, no big deal."
  I hid my smile at her obvious infatuation with whoever was in the drawing. "Well, I think they're awesome. Can you draw one of me?"
  She instantly perked up, smiling. "Of course!"
  The rest of lunch went on like this. Olivia drew me as I studied, while we exchanged small talk in between. I've never felt such ease talking with someone before. She didn't ask nosey questions like my old friends back home did and even if she had, I honestly probably would have told her anyway.
  "Done." She said before shyly turning the drawing around.
  My mouth dropped open as I stared at the drawing, noticing the details she added in my eyes and hair. "Holy fuck, Olivia. This is insane. I love it!"
  She smiled brightly, tucking her hair behind her ear. She was truly a beautiful girl. Why couldn't I be attracted to her the same way that I am with guys? It would make things so much easier for me.
  I looked over at the clock, cursing. "Shit, I gotta go. I have detention later." I said, grabbing my stuff before standing up.
  Her brows furrowed. "How did you get detention already? It's the second day of classes."
  I sighed, realizing she doesn't know that she's currently hanging out with the escaped mental patient of Bloodmoon Academy. "I'm sure you'll hear plenty about it."

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