Chapter Nine

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Colt's P. O. V.

  Why was she blocking me out? Was she scared of me? For some reason, that thought brought a sharp pain to my chest, making me grit my teeth and rub the area in annoyance.
  I know I was one scary motherfucker, especially with the looks I get daily, or therefore, the lack of. I could feel other's fear. In fact, I fed on it. That's what a basilisk's visions are for.
  I had used one on Skiler in potions class on the first day of school. I don't know what it was about Skiler that made me want to scare her and push her buttons. However, I was not expecting to feel a pull towards her once I trapped her within a trance. And I was definitely not expecting her snarky attitude. I was indeed intrigued by her.
  I don't know what made me talk to her in detention. Maybe it was the scared look on her face when Professor Matthews mentioned the collar, or maybe it was something else…
  I knew once she and Quinton had their big blow up, that she wasn't lying. I mean, sure, she might be a little bit on the crazy side, but so was I. I don't believe one fucking word that Quinton says. He and I don't have a great past.
  I don't think I have ever been more shocked or worried in my life until I saw the truth behind Skiler's words. I knew Josephine wasn't a virgin, but I couldn't tell Skiler that. She was already about to step forward to save her. A part of me knew that Josephine would die permanently, but I couldn't risk us being exposed.
  I wanted to hate and feel sorry at the sight of Josephine dying, but I couldn't. Her fear tasted sweet on my tongue, and her blood smelled like a drug to me. I was a monster.
  I sat in the advanced potions class, staring at the teacher, without really paying attention. My mind wandered to the feeling of Skiler's teeth sinking in my neck. The euphoric feeling that spread through me was the closest thing that I felt to being normal. Her smaller framed body pressed against me almost made me lose control entirely. But damn that phoenix for being there and witnessing me in such a vulnerable state.
  It was hard to ignore the looks that he was giving her in class this morning. Skiler was oblivious to the way other people looked at her. Hell, I wanted to be after I realized Big Bird and Simba were looking at Skiler with similar expressions as Bryxon and myself.
  However, I don't let my feelings show on the outside as the others do. There's no reason to open that part of me up to Skiler. I know that I'm not the kind of guy girl's go for. Not really.
  I'm a parent's worst nightmare. I'm short-tempered and I don't do cuddling. The thought of it makes me want to vomit indefinitely. Not to mention, I have piercings and tattoos covering my body. Most girls love my "bad boy persona", but they quickly realize it's not as fun as they imagined.
  Sex is one of the only enjoyable things in this hellhole of an academy. But the girls here are bland and clingy. The ones that can handle my style of sex quickly become boring, while the others become fearful of me. I don't force any girl to do anything they don't want to do. I clearly tell them what a night with me would entail and they normally always agree. However, after about a few minutes in, they usually make their exit.
  I tried to scare Skiler off with another vision. I couldn't stand the feeling of her vivid blue eyes staring at me. To my surprise, she seemed to react almost the opposite of what I intended. Holy fuck, she was turned on. A small thrill of excitement had gone through me at the thought that maybe she was into the same things that I am. But that was just wishful thinking.
  I watched her in the hallways and around campus, staring with a heated glare at the guys walking around school who think that they have every right to look at her the way that they do.
  I walked across campus heading to the cafeteria. Donovan, a tall and burly werewolf eyed Skiler up and down as she made her way across the courtyard to lunch. He purposely bumped into her, playing it off as an accident. I watched in seething anger as he laughed, running his hand on her arm while she gave him a smile.
  Donovan had that cocky smirk that he used with every girl at Bloodmoon Academy. He looked up, most likely feeling my lasers gaze on him. I took the moment and instantly had him wrapped up in a web of visions.
  I imagined us in a cold and damp cave with chains lining the walls where Donovan was strung up. I walked slowly towards his trembling body as he tried moving his arms. Although he subconsciously knew this was just a vision, his mind hadn't caught up to that fact yet. Anything I did in a vision would feel just as real as if I did it in person.
  "Please man, whatever I did I swear I didn't mean to," Donovan pleaded. I hissed at him before making a fist with my hand. He looked down at my fist before returning my gaze. "Okay! I was the one that stole your potions last semester…but it was for a good cause I swear!" He babbled in while I rolled my eyes.
  I strolled over, grabbing one of his chained hands. "Don't talk to Skiler Maxwell again. Do you hear me?"
  "Seriously man? I don't plan on wifing her up. You can have her after I'm done if you want though."
  My anger boiled over, making me snap his wrist without a thought. He cried out in agony as his hand flipped uselessly onto one side. I gripped his throat tightly, raising him in the air until his toes were barely dragging the ground.
  "I'll make myself clear in case you can't get it through that thick skull of yours. She's mine."
  I let the vision dissolve as I returned back to the present time. Although it seemed like minutes had passed, in actuality, only seconds had.
  Donovan removed his hand off of Skiler's arm as though it physically burned him. He quickly ran, leaving her to look after him in confusion and some other emotion that I couldn't read. Her gaze was making it's way in my direction, which I quickly avoided. I didn't need her thinking I was interfering with her chances with other guys.

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