17. Mika the kidnapper

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"You kidnapped a fucking kid! Mika Jesus- what- what the hell is wrong with you!" Xander looks at his husband, bewildered.

Mika sighs, running his hand over his forehead "Let me speak."

Xander shuts his mouth and crosses his arms.

Mika looks down at Clair who stares at the angry man, a look of fear but also mischief on her face.

Xander notices the look the little girl gives him as she pokes her head around Mika.

"What? You planning to throw more rocks at me?"

Clair sticks her tounge out at him and Xander does it right back.

Mika scoffs quietly at his immature husband.

"Clair, can you go sit over on the couch just over there while I talk to Mr. Mean pants." Mika says softly, Clair giggles at the name and walks over to the couch.

"Mr. mean pants?"

Mika ignores Xander.

Xander sighs stepping closer to him "What's going on? Why the hell is one of your students in our house?"

Sadness suddenly casts over Mika's face and Xander drops his crossed arm, his hand reaching out to Mika's hand.

"What happened?" Xander stresses.

Mika glances over to the little girl who is now making herself at home, flicking through channels on the TV.

"She's being abused at home, Xander...."

Xander's eyes widen, and he looks over to the kid "What the fuck?"

Xander's tone drips with disgust.

Mika nods before swallowing "I was not letting her go back home."

Xander nods understandingly "but you also can't just take her here, her parents could report her missing and then cops will check the surveillance camera at the school and see you casually taking her away in your car."

Mika grimaces, that makes me sound like a damm pedo.

"I know...that's why I-I want to foster her."

"What!" Xander blurts out, shocked.

Mika nods "I took photos of her bruised arms, I'll show the school board and they'll call the cops, I show them the photo. They get arrested, then we can foster her."

"And I-if the things called her parents somehow don't get arrested," Mika rolls his eyes, sometimes the justice system is fucked up "Then we bring in Zachariah."

Zachariah could snap his fingers and Clair would be in Mika's custody by tomorrow morning, but Mika wants to do it well, the legal way.

"You want to- Mika-"

"Please Xander." Mika cuts of Xander "She needs this, s-she needs to get away from them and I want to be the one to help her and look after her."

Xander groans, looking away from Mika's pleading expression.

Xander's mind travels to his little sister who endured child abuse and he feels his heart crack, already making up his mind.

"Only fostering."

"Only fostering."



I give princess a kiss on her furry head before walking out of my room.

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