15. Past Truths

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Ten year old Zaid sprints down the street, getting further away from his home.

He spots his mom's friends car on the side of the road and quickly runs over.

He opens the car door as fast as he can and jumps into the car, gasping.

Its dark in the car but he can see Jenny leaning her head against the window.

Zaid looks down to her lap where a file sits, he gazes at it, looking curiously at the photo of an older man who looks like him.

"Is that my Dad, Jenny?" Zaid whispers looking to the women.

He frowns when she doesn't respond.

His hand reaches up to the roof to switch the light on.

He screams the second he sees his mom's friend.

There's a hole with blood pouring out of it on the side of her head, he hadn't noticed it before because of the darkness.

He lets out sobs, staring with terror at the chucks of flesh.

He looks back down to the file, visibly shaking.

He quickly grabs it because it looks important and tosses it into his bag and gets out of the car.

He continues running down the street, looking back one more time at his home.



I snap out of my thoughts, looking over to Nico.

"You good?" He asks me, eyeing my hands.

I look down to the bloodied blade in my grip.

"Yeah, just thinking about some shit." I reply.

I grip the knife harder and raise it, slamming it into the thigh of Jordan Jarvis, again.

He screams, arms and legs straining against the ropes.

Sarah and Connor look at their best friend, sobbing and shaking.

I grimace in disgust when I see snot slide down Sarah's nose.

"Aw it's okay kiddos, your turn is next." Gunner speaks, stepping up next to me.

I raise my brows to Gunner, I've never seen him so unhinged.

He's always been the chill and carefree uncle, but I guess when you hurt his children, he goes all serial killer.

Gunner then turns to me "Pick Gage up from school and bring him here."

I pause "You sure that's a good idea? Can he handle this-"

"Yes, he can. Bring him here so he can watch what's happening to the little cunts who harmed his sister." Gunner spits and I see Sarah flinch as she looks at my enraged uncle.

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