<<Roger that>>

<<Fine,everyone,do it your best>>

<<Long Caster calling Hawkeye 11,there are three groups of fighter jet coming to you,I recommend split up and engage them one by one,I would call for support>>

<<I got it,Trigger,follow me,we will attack the Berkuts,Pixy,Cipher and Eliza shall engage the largest group,Talisman and Maiden,I put my faith into you,take on the rest of Terminators>>-Mobius fired a EML at the enemy squadron to disformation them apart-<<Clear for engage,pitch up>>

The Wyverns fly in pairs ascending higher and higher to the uncontested sky,while also maneuvering without hesitation to blur the Russian's aim lock.As Mobius expected,the Berkut and Terminator also fly higher,far from the paths of Yellowstone's bombarding shells,freeing the space for the fighter's showdown.At the altitude of 15 km on the air,higher toward the space,the enemies still can be seen on radar,but not on their cameras.

<<They are luring us,rejoin and chase them while maintain specific distance,if they drop back then split and ready to counterattack>>-Zheltye 13 ordered,he heard about the death of Solntse 1 and doesn't really want to remake that mistake.But that much cautions haven't enough for the Solntse:

<<We will wait down here then,that old man taught us too much to not stay behind them>>

<<Damn coward,you should've been the one take revenge for Maykl.Whatever,Maria,take care of that group>>

<<Isn't it too high>>-Trigger asked,he could already see the sky color slowly darker in the front of his eyes.

<<No,we need most kinetic energy as possible when we fall down,as long as they are chasing then we still have the upper hand>>

<<And upper height too>>-Pixy joking,but he also worries if the engines could still work at this altitude,when the speed drops back to only 20 feet per second.

<<Everybody,give this attack with your best shot>>

The airplanes turned off their engines and relied on gravity to flip.As the altitude dropped rapidly,the speed also got higher and higher.At the height of 4 km,the X-02Ss broke the sound barrier,without their engines even glowing.

<<Gun 2>>

A ray of light rammed to earth,followed by six railgun shells blasted their shockwave at the joint squadron flying to them.One fighter burned,but that wasn't their intention anyway.When the Russian break apart again,the Osean fighters took their chances to fly to the back of the enemy and fired.Three more flankers downed,without a single shot wasted.

<<Twelve more Su-37s,no Su-47 in bound>>-Cipher carefully look around his fighter jet,aside from his buddy and the drone,two Su-37s slowly approaching their position,bringing 4 more with them-<<Ah,I see the targets,Pixy and Eliza,sorry,I will take this by my own>>

<<Hoho...>>-the radio gets interference as the leading yellow flanker at 500 meters away from Cipher-<<We've met again,Maria and the rest,give me this chance,I have alway wanted a rematch,may I know your callsign?>>


<<Zheltye 13,or Yellow 13 in your language>>

<<Cipher,the Su-37 won't be effective to be attacked by missiles,attack the flanker by gun is recommended,I pray for your luck>>

<<Well,long time no see,Blue Ribbon whoa who>>-Ostroumiye hasn't realized that Mobius and Trigger fly their Wyvern uncontrollably with the speed excessed Mach 2.8,while rolling constantly up and down.Sure,the pilots of those planes weren't comfortable with the situation,but they haven't faint yet.In contrast,their skill only at its best in this chaotic situation.

<<Germann downed,he ejected>>

Before the Solntse could understand what those two were doing,Mobius fired as EML ripping the wings of one of the Berkuts.Luckily for the pilot that they hadn't aimed at the front nose,otherwise he would be dead.The parachute slowly fall into the river,where the coalition has captured.Ostroumiye sweating,never before he could see an ace with so fast kill,but his no-attention mind has taken away another of his comrade.

<<Phew,at least he will survive,I hope so>>

<<I will make sure he will>>-the plane with three strikes turned to another Berkut and torn away the engines from the body of the aircraft,the Berkut turned into fireball in a matter of second before it fall down to the ground,Roal'd-the pilot of the Su-47-baited out safely,if not for that his feet was burned from the blast.

<<You both are real Grim Reapers,I would give you this compliment,and I have you an offer>>-Ostroumiye told Trigger right before a second Arclight fire from the gun under the belly of the aircraft at him.

<<What do you want to say,other than surrender shall result your death,we've did our best to not kill your friends>>

<<Well,I...surrender,Seymur,you should,too,I don't see any point of resisting anymore,after you shot downed our captain and two others.>>

<<Good....>>-Trigger said with a bore-downed voice,waited for a live to death battle.Meanwhile,unlike her wingman,Mobius gently said to them:

<<We appreciated your act of lay down your arm,thank you,please fly until we captured a runway,we will mark your and your friend's aircrafts and non-combatants>>

<<Thank you>>-Ostroumiye and Sermur sighed in relief,their lives were spared.As the two Berkut fly away from the battlefield under careful Trigger's observation,the captain of him continue to fly keeping a certain distance in order to protect her wingman in case of need.However,Mobius has noticed a strange figure started to rise from over the skyline.

<<Long Caster calling Hawkeye 11,we need to escort a special guess>>

<<Trigger,please tell me that this is a dream>>

<<I....don't think so>>

Under the sun at its highest peak,a titan-sized aircraft shadowed upon the sea,blocking any sunlight from reaching the surface of the ocean.All sounds of gunfire stopped in the city as they watched the Aigaion flying in between the clouds.P-1112 is nothing like Arsenal Birds,with the wingspan even bigger than the birds after retrofit,plus the size of the runway itself,the Aigaion now looked like a true demon.The terrifying scene of Aigaion and Yellowstone combination is truly a sign of death.

<<Hey>>-Talisman said-<<I shot you down a year ago and now they pulled you back to be our allies?>>

But the Aigaion can't answer itself,instead,the captain of the ship,with a voice the 297th haven't heard for a long time ago,told him through the radio in his very room:

<<Remember me?Torres here,I was assigned to this ship thanks to my ability to command a superweapon,with two other captains...Now,launch the Nimbus!>>

Several missile launchers bursted out a trait of smoke when the infamous Nimbus missiles of Estovakian-Grunder Industries fly themselves at the pack of Russian fighters.Without a second to reach,multiple glowing balls of fire appeared where the missiles were,completely burned down a dozen of Su-27s and Su-30s in range.The attack wasn't just that,as the Aigaion rain down her railguns into the remaining of Shanghai.

<<Hell,I...didn't expected this>>-Zheltye 13 break from the fight against Cipher and watch as Davy Jone grinding the city to ground zero-<<All aircrafts,take down the new flying warship>>

<<Not so easy>>-Cipher shoot his railgun right close to the right wing of the Terminator,the wing shaken a bit,but far from enough to take down the yellow flanker,Zheltye 13 return with a row of cannon rounds,too lame to Cipher,but that was enough to keep him away from his Su-37,giving time for him to turn at Aigaion.

<<Maybe later,I have a job to do>>-Zheltye 13 said as his teammates got back around him,while Cipher could only watch in fury,the fuel had been drained from Mobius's plan.No tanker in sight,mean only one thing:his role in this battle is over.

<<Long Caster,bingo>>"Brilliant plan,Mobius,I should have been the captain"

Said done,the ex-Demon Lord turn his Wyvern away from the battlefield

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