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Miles' hands clenched into fists. "Never once did she beg, Larry. She only asked that you look out for me. Nothing more. And you couldn't even honor that request."

"You showed dangerous tendencies." 

Miles closed his eyes, hoping to seal away the anger seeping through. "I was 18 and just lost the only support I had. I was angry and volatile." He slowly opened his eyes, locking Larry down with a glare. "But god knows hitting you was justified."

"Don't pin your violence on me," Larry scoffed. "The truth behind your actions is simple. You covet all I have. Family. Money. Success." 

"You must be blind, old man." Miles laughed. "Your money and success are temporary at best. That is the result of dirty money and bottomless greed.  On top of that, your family is broken. You have a gold-digging wife who will probably leave you when you lose everything. Then, you have an illegitimate son you discarded and another son who desires all you own without making an effort. Out of all of us, your youngest son deserves attention and affection, yet you turned your back on him."

"Danny will come back to us," Larry replied.

Miles shook his head. "No. He won't. He will live the life that will make him happiest. That life doesn't include you."

Larry shook. "Enough! I know you had a hand in this. Are you really that petty? Or just that malicious."

"What do you mean?" Miles feigned innocence. 

"My business! This was the livelihood I built from my own hands! And you stole it!"

Miles shook his head. "Aren't I just some bastard with dangerous tendencies? According to you, I'm a thug whose business earns a fleeting profit, so how could I have the resources to take your livelihood?"

Larry's face was red with anger. "Don't try to talk your way out of it. I know you schemed against us."

"You have the money to do it, too!" Will finally chimed in. "I know who you are now. You're fucking Requiem. You have enough cash flow to put up a fight."

Larry's confusion was palpable. He didn't know much about the entertainment world, so he didn't understand Will's statement. 

Miles tensed a little. Although Will knowing his identity wouldn't harm him, it could be bothersome. He wondered if he should continue defending himself but realized it would waste time. It would be best to leave.

Before he could make a move, the door opened with a bang. Shawn stormed in, looking mussed and his suit jacket in his tightly clenched hand. He shot a fierce glare toward Larry and Will, making them flinch. 

However, he only bothered with them briefly before he rushed to Miles' side. "Are you alright?"

Miles smiled warmly. "I'm inconvenienced, but nothing more."

Shawn nodded and ran his hands down Miles' arms affectionately. He then turned back to the Andersons standing on the other side of the room.

"What's the meaning of this?" He asked darkly. 

Miles crossed his arms over his chest. His demeanor had changed drastically as he had calmed down because of Shawn's presence. "I'm not sure. Something to do with their company."

Larry smiled toward Shawn, but it was masking his unease. "I know you're with my son—"

"I'm not your fucking son," Miles interrupted. 

Larry gave a frantic look between Miles and Shawn. "Um... I know you two are dating, but he has done some unethical things. My business was thriving, but I suspect he has done something underhanded to steal from me."

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