Chapter 7- Felix..?

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Everyone was struggling. Hyunjin was captured, Seungmin had been dosed with something and was practically no help, Bang Chan and Lee Know couldn't come out of their hiding spot, Changbin and Han have an issue with electricity supply, and Felix.. he was brainwashed. But only 50% of him was.

Changbin: How are even supposed to handle this? There's too many wires, and just cutting a random one could cost us.

Han: In the movies, they'd always say cut the red wire. But there's only green and black wires.

Han noticed a switch on the wall.

Han: What about that switch?

Changbin: Damn, you're really good at spotting things.

Han: Just my thing. *chuckles* Anyways, what happens if we turn off the switch?

Changbin: Might turn off the brainwash machine! Try it, it's worth a shot.

Han: It's too high up. How am I supposed to reach that?

Changbin: Just use the ladder there, silly.

Han: Alright, but if something goes wrong, I'm putting the blame on you.

Han climbed up the ladder, just barely tall enough to reach the switch turned it off.

Although they were successful, the ladder was rusty and the screws of it were loose, so as Han tried to come down, he fell. A really big fall.

Chan, Lee Know, I.N, Keeho and Hyunjin's POV:

I.N: Amazing! The brainwash machine is at 50%! Looks like your so called "plan" didn't work.

Hyunjin: No, I think you're wrong. You've only got me. What about the others?

I.N: Damn, he's right. Keeho, get Lee Junho to find the rest.

Keeho: Yes, sir.

I.N: Just so you don't go anywhere, I'll attach you to these tubes as well. You're not that bad, maybe I have use for you.

Hyunjin: Like I'll follow your evil plans.

I.N: Goodbye for now, I'll be back in 5.

I.N leaves with Keeho. Hyunjin tries to break free from the strangling tubes, but is unable to.

Bang Chan: Psst, Hyunjin!

Hyunjin: Chan?

Chan and Lee Know finally come out their hiding spot.

Lee Know: Are you okay? Where's Seungmin?

Hyunjin: Yeah, I'm good, just feeling a bit weird. I'm not sure where Seungmin is. They put this mask on him, and he just became emotionless and walked away, out of the warehouse. God knows where he is right now. It's all my fault.

Bang Chan: Hey, it's not your fault. Don't blame yourself. We'll get him and Felix ba-

Out of nowhere the lights and machines turn off.

Lee Know: What happened to the lights?

Hyunjin: It has to been I.N's doing.

Bang Chan: He's turned off everything. Which means he's turned off the brainwash machine!

Hyunjin: Why would I.N turn it off?

Lee Know: Maybe because it wasn't him, it was Changbin and Han!

Bang Chan: Oh, thank God. But doesn't that mean Felix would be awake?

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