A Little Help

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Yoongi sighed as yet another chilly gust of wind hit him in the face. He pulled his scarf up even higher, until only his eyes were visible between it and his beanie. It hadn't been this cold in ages, and he cursed himself for deciding to walk home tonight, rather than take the bus.

Thankfully, he was almost home at this point. He had already made the decision, however, to stop briefly to get something for dinner from his favorite takeaway place. It was just around the corner from his apartment building, so the stop shouldn't keep him out in the cold too much longer. Besides, he could already feel himself warming up, just by imagining holding the container of food as he walked to his building.

"Hey, Yoongi! The usual?" the owner of the restaurant asked as Yoongi approached the outdoor counter.

Yoongi pulled his scarf down so he could speak clearly. "How'd you know it was me?"

The owner chuckled. "Has no one ever told you that your eyes are pretty unmistakable?"

Yoongi shrugged. "Not in that way, exactly. But I do get a lot of comments about my eyes, I guess."

The owner smiled knowingly. "I'll get to working on your order."

"Thanks, Jimin."

Yoongi was moving from one foot to the other while standing in one place, just to try to stay warm, but he suddenly stopped when he heard an odd noise around the corner. It sounded like someone was crying. There was a small alleyway around that corner, but Yoongi had just come from there. And no one had been there just minutes before.

Still, curiosity got the better of him, and he leaned back a bit to look around the brick wall. He was surprised to see a young man sitting against the wall. He was hugging his legs against his chest, and his face was buried in his knees as he whimpered.

Yoongi looked around, but saw no one else who may be with the guy. "Hey," he called out softly. "Are you okay?"

The crying stopped and the man's body stiffened, but he didn't look up. Against his better judgment, Yoongi moved a bit closer to him.

"Are you alright?" Yoongi asked again. "Do you need me to call someone for you?"

The man finally looked up and in spite of himself, Yoongi's heart lurched at the wide, doe eyes pooled with tears, as well as the tear streaks that ran down his cheeks. Though Yoongi could tell the man was broader and likely taller than him, he looked very small and frail in his current state. 'He's just a baby,' Yoongi thought. 'He can't be more than 18 or 19 years old.'

Yoongi moved a bit closer and the boy flinched. Yoongi stepped back again on instinct. "I'm sorry," he said quietly. "I'm not trying to scare you. I just thought you might need some help. Is there anyone around here with you? Or anyone I can call for you who could help?"

The boy warily met Yoongi's eyes. "Daddy?" he whispered.

Yoongi blinked. That was the last thing he'd expected to come out of the boy's mouth.

"Your dad? You need me to call your dad?"

"Where daddy?"

Yoongi looked around again. "I'm not sure. What's his number?" Yoongi pulled his phone out of his pocket. "I'll call him for you."

The boy's lower lip trembled and tears began to roll down his cheeks again as he looked at the phone in Yoongi's hand. "No know nummer!" he cried.

Yoongi's brow furrowed. "Um, okay. That's okay. Do you live around here?"

"119," the boy suddenly blurted, still staring at Yoongi's phone. "Daddy say 119."

"Do you need the police?"

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