Searching for love

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Lan zhan had been searching for the love of his life since past 6 years and finally found someone who claimed to know his whereabouts. He was supposed to be hiring a baby sitter for his son but he could give that responsibility to his brother for now.

Lan zhan was intent on searching for his lost love but he couldn't ignore someone along the way. It wasn't Lan zhan's fault that the man's eyes looked pleading enough for him to take pity on him and dropping him to his destination before continuing his search.

Although Lan zhan was in good spirit and enthusiastic to find the one he was looking for since so long only to end up being a wild goose chase. He even forgot how many detectives he had hired only to fire them for their incompetence at not being able to search for one man.

Each one of them turned to him saying someone was blocking their search as it always led them to a dead end. Lan zhan was too determined to even think about the possibility of the person being dead because if he had died, someone must have found his body or even a slightest bit of trace.

Lan zhan kept going through everything that he possibly could but there was nothing as always. He had already gone through every CCTV footage and everything he could think of but always ended up empty handed.

Today was the same as he didn't find anything after searching for the whole day. He had no option but to return home as his little boy would be expecting him at his usual time and he also had to see who has been hired to look after the only heir of Lan family.

Lan zhan came home only to find the new baby sitter sleeping in the same kid's room he was supposed to take care of. Lan zhan looked at the sleeping figure on the chair all wrapped in blanket. He couldn't see the person's face but judging from the feet, he knew it was a boy. Lan zhan was not sure how he got hired in the first place.

He just made a unapproving face before heading towards his son who was too occupied with his homework to notice Lan zhan's presence. He looked up from the book in front of him as he felt the hand caressing his head.


Lan zhan spoke in a serious tone,"Are you done?"

Sizhui spoke in an equally serious tone,"Almost"

Lan zhan's eyes softened,"Finish it, I'll wait for you at dinner table"

Sizhui nodded without even looking up from his book. Lan zhan was happy to have him in his life. Sizhui was the only reason for him to not give up on everything after he had lost his love along with the will to live.

Lan zhan had dinner with Sizhui then tucked him in bed before heading to the study room to finish his work. Once he got the work done, he thought about checking the details of the new baby sitter. He was about to open the file on the new requite when his laptop ran out of battery and the screen went blank.

Lan zhan was more pissed when he didn't find the charger, maybe it was in his room. He picked up the laptop and headed to his room and put it on charge. He thought about taking a shower before going to bed as it was only 10 minutes left to turn 9 pm, that was his bedtime.

Lan zhan was about to open the bathroom door when it opened itself. Lan zhan didn't had the time to understand what happened when another being crashed into his chest. Lan zhan's first thought was to step away but somehow he freezed to where he was standing.

Lan zhan was baffled for the moment as there was only one person in the world to cause this effect on him and that person had gone missing since the last 6 years not to be found again. Lan zhan's breathing stopped as the shorter man looked up at him.

'This isn't possible. Am I dreaming' Lan zhan thought to himself as a pair of purplish grey eyes looked at his lips then settled on his golden ones.

Lan zhan made a silent prayer,'If it's a dream, I don't want it to end'

Lan zhan was already feeling like the time has stopped at the moment as both of them stared into each other's eyes for god knows how long. Lan zhan couldn't believe the person he had been searching for so long is standing right in front of him, in his house, in his room and invading his personal space.

Just when Lan zhan was about to wrap the man in his arms and say the words he was going to say 6 years ago, the other man spoke,"Who are you? and what are you doing in my room?"

The words felt like a stab to Lan zhan's heart as he tried to wrap his head around what just happened. Lan zhan's first thought was ,'Does he not remember me?'

Wei wuxian spoke again,"Are you just going to stand there and not say anything?"

Lan zhan was dumbfounded by his words, he collected his emotions and spoke in a cold tone,"I'm the owner of this house and it's my room you're standing in"

Wei wuxian smiled at him,"So you're Lan zhan. I'm Wei wuxian, the new baby sitter your brother has hired. I'm sorry, I thought this is my room besides it's not my fault that all the room looks like the same."

'He's still the same' Lan zhan muttered to himself.

Wei wuxian,"What did you said?"

Lan zhan,"Nothing"

Wei wuxian,"Okay, I want to talk to you about the kid though"

Lan zhan gestured at the towel wrapped around Wei wuxian's waist,"Don't you think it'll be suitable to talk once you're properly dressed"

Wei wuxian smirked at him and Lan zhan knew he was going to say something inappropriate,"Does me being dressed only in a towel is distracting you?" He finished the sentence with a wink.

Lan zhan clenched his hand into fist as he tried hard to not looking at Wei wuxian's bare torso or his lips or eyes. He took a deep breath to keep himself under control before looking straight into Wei wuxian's eyes.

Lan zhan said only one word,"Shameless"

Wei wuxian gave him a teasing smile as he walked away from him, making sure to catch Lan zhan's attention by swaying his ass,"I don't agree with that because you're the one checking me out" he turned around quite dramatically catching Lan zhan looking at himself,"Stop looking at me like you want to have my babies, you already have one" he walked out of the room.

Once Wei wuxian was out of the room, Lan zhan shook his head and muttered,"He's never going to change, even if he doesn't remember everything"

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