Young master Lan

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The assistant took Wei wuxian to a penthouse. Wei wuxian was not surprised to look at the resident of cloud reassess's CEO after seeing the company building. He was led inside, it was all white with vintage furnitures and expensive looking paintings. The assistant stopped in front of a room.

The assistant,"This is your room" she moved towards the room next to it,"And this is young master's room. You can take rest as young master is at school. I'll ask someone to introduce you to him once he gets back home"

Wei wuxian gave her a soft smile,"Thank you"

The assistant's lips curved as she gave him a small nod before turning around and leaving him in front of two identical doors. Wei wuxian noticed there was another door on the other side of young master's room. He thought to keep his curiosity to himself for the moment and take some rest in the meantime.

Wei wuxian opened his room and stepped in. The room was ordinary yet luxurious at the same time. The room consist of simple furniture giving it a minimalistic look. He laid on the soft mattress and stretched his limb. Sleep engulfed him as soon as he got into a comfortable position.

Wei wuxian's sleep got interrupted at the sound of someone knocking at the door. He opened his eyes and got up to open the door. A lady that looked to be in her late fifties was waiting at the threshold with almost an unnoticeable smile playing at her lips.

The woman,"Hello Wei gongzi. I'm Jiao, care taker of the household. Young master is home so I came to introduce the both of you"

Wei wuxian bowed to the lady,"Thank you ma'am, but can I call you shijie? Sorry if that seems rude, I just don't feel comfortable calling someone older than me by their names."

Jiao's smile widened,"No worries, I'd like that. Now come with me"

She then knocked on the other room. Soon the room opened revealing a chubby and adorable little kid. He wasn't older than eight or nine. Wei wuxian was lost in the big grey eyes looking straight into his soul. He drooped to his knees to get a good look at him.

Sizhui wrapped his arms around Wei wuxian and said,"Mom"

Wei wuxian was stunned by his words. He turned around to ask the as Jiao what he meant but she was already gone.

Wei wuxian hugged him back,"I'm not your mom little guy"

Sizhui retreated his arms as his eyes welled up. Wei wuxian felt guilty for making the little guy cry.

Wei wuxian,"Hey don't cry, how about you call me xian-ge"

Sizhui contemplated for a moment before his face brightened,"Xian gege"

Wei wuxian,"That's right, little one"

Sizhui wiped away his tears and looked at Wei wuxian with a little smile,"I'm Sizhui, not little one"

Wei wuxian chuckled at how formal he sounded,"Nice to meet you Sizhui"

He picked up Sizhui in his arms and took him into his room. He gently sat him on his bed that was too plain for a child. Wei wuxian looked around, the room could be mistaken as an adults room rather than a eight year old's.

Wei wuxian thought to himself,'Child of a millionaire yet living like a saint, what a pity'. He shook his head in disappointment as he pulled out the schedule given by Lan xichen. His head spinned as he read the contents written on it.

Wake up at 5:00 am and let him make his own bed
Brush teeth and take a bath before 5:30am
Meditation for an hour (6:30am)
Practice piano for one hour (7:30am)
Have breakfast before 8:00am
Go to school at 9:00am

Wei wuxian couldn't read further,"What the hell? Such a child should play and enjoy his childhood rather than adulting prior to his age. I have to talk to his father"

He then turned towards Sizhui,"When will your father come home?"


Wei wuxian looked at the clock it was just 3 pm, he'd have to wait for more than 4 hours to talk to the guy. He already knew it would be worthless sitting around doing nothing so he decided to look at the schedule in his hands.

Wei wuxian,"Looks like it's time for your homework" he looked up and saw Sizhui already on his study table with his books open.

"Do you need help with that" Wei wuxian asked in a soft voice.

Sizhui looked up from his book that was bigger than his head and answered,"No, I can do it myself"

Wei wuxian thought to himself ,'I can't understand why these guys even need a babysitter when the little guy can already take care of himself'

Wei wuxian shrugged at his own thoughts,'Huh, what does it matter, at the end of the day I'm getting paid and that's all I need for now'

He sat down on a chair and picked up a random book from the bookshelf and started reading it to kill the time. The medicine in his body was making it hard for him to keep his eyes open as he dozed off again. He felt something warm getting wrapped around his body as he got into deep sleep once again.

Wei wuxian woke up and found himself wrapped in a blanket on the chair. He looked around but the room was empty, only when he looked outside the window did he realized that it was already dark outside. He checked the clock that indicated it was little past 8 pm which meant he could catch up with sizhui's father.

Just as he was about to head out, the doorknob twisted revealing the little guy himself. He looked a bit gloomy, quite the opposite of how he looked a few hours ago. Wei wuxian approached him and kneeled down to look his face clearly.

Wei wuxian's voice was full of concern,"What happened Sizhui?"

Sizhui sighed deeply before replying,"Dad's upset"

Wei wuxian,"It's okay dear, I can cheer him up if you want to"

Sizhui,"No one can cheer him up when he's upset, not even uncle xichen" he paused for a moment before adding,"Aunt Jiao was asking you to go downstairs for dinner"

Wei wuxian was about to say something when Sizhui spoke again,"Eat and go to sleep before 9 pm"

Wei wuxian looked at the door that slammed shut in front of his face. He could sense the sadness in the little boy's voice but now his stomach was grumbling. He decided to eat something before talking to his grumpy father.

Jiao was waiting for him on the dining table. He finished the dinner quickly not realizing how hungry he actually was.

Wei wuxian asked her politely,"Where's Mr Lan?"

Jiao looked at the clock before answering him,"He's probably in the study room. But I'd suggest you to talk to him in the morning."

Wei wuxian,"Okay, good night shijie"

Jiao,"Good night Wei gongzi"

He wasn't going to let go of the matter but when he couldn't find out the study room, he decided to go to his room instead. He headed inside the bathroom to take a shower. After taking a relaxing bath, he walked out with the towel wrapped around his waist.

What he didn't expected was to crash into something. It didn't took him long to figure out that it wasn't something but someone as he looked at the man standing in front of him in a white shirt and off white formal pants. Wei wuxian looked at the face of the man, the first thing he noticed was the pink thin lips and his shiny golden eyes. To say he was mesmerized would be an understatement.

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