"Alright. I'll teach you how my mentor used to" I smiled, giving in when Jiwoos bright puppy eyes sparkled for a chance to spar. He smiled widely, almost cheering in the process as he grabbed my arm. "Let's go then! Training starts right away!!" He then dragged me out of my apartment, all the way to Shinhwas headquarters.


"How did you guys even find me anyway? I swear I said I moved somewhere else...and why ask me for help? Seriously-" I sighed, scratching my head as I watched Jiwoo stretch before sparing with Jiyoung first. "I figured you might be there. Since youre keeping the fact you're awakened from the people you live with as well. That apartment is the only other place you can train without getting caught" I raised a brow at Jiyoungs explanation. Leaning to the side to get a good look at her. She's as beautiful as ever. I'm starting to become used to it.

"Jiyoung, don't tell me you put a tail on me" I frowned as she glanced at me. "I didn't. It was a simple deduction on my part" she said, staring at the compression shirt I have on as I leaned back again, letting out a light sigh as I mumbled about them running over so early in the morning to fetch me together. Glancing around, Casein Nitrate went back home. So that's one thing I can feel free from.

"Still, you're going to spar against Jiwoo all day today. I can spar against him tomorrow" I said, plopping down on the ground to get a good seat view of what's to come. "I want you to see as well. You may be Ilseong Huas son and a great fighter at that but you have a lot to learn as well" I raised a brow. "I get what you mean but I won't be able to mimic Baekdus gravity manipulation. You're wind is perfect for that" I sighed, seriously not knowing how to help as I thought of a few things. "But I can teach him a few tricks before the sparring match. Although my power is suitable for long distance attacks, I prefer close combat" I yawned, watching Jiwoo do the last bits of his stretches.

"I'm sure you'll figure it out Kain. From what I've seen, you're more than capable of surpassing me soon" furrowing my brows, I looked up to the side just to see her smiling, leaning down a bit towards me. Her sweet perfume fanned by her flawless hair as she looked down to me. My lips parted slightly. I swear, I thought she was about to kiss me in that moment until she turned away, walking to Jiwoo in the middle of the ring. I blinked. Gasping as I realized what I just thought. How dare I!? Jiyoung is just being a nice friend to me! To Kain! Nothing more!

"Jeez- why would she lean down like that-" I covered my face, trying to calm down my heart as I felt an annoyed jealousy brewing in my stomach. The real Kain obviously seems jealous of what just happened. "You had your chance and I'm just trying to make it up to her for that. You have no right to be jealous" I angrily whispered, feeling that jealously slowly disappear after my words. Afterwards, I hugged my knees as I watched Jiwoo and Jiyoung talk for a bit, knowing exactly what they spoke of as she reached her hand out.

I felt the air in the room suddenly start moving slowly then sped up immediately after, crushing Jiwoo to the ground the same way Baekdus people use their power. She then switched the air flow, making something similar to a compressed tornado to lift Jiwoo in the air. A second layer, she clenched her hand where all air around started to move from all directions push to one point, being Jiwoo. Although my hair was going crazy as she manipulated the wind, I could only gasp as her absolute focus and control of her power. As well as how much power she can use is astonishing. Especially when she's a few years older than me. Once she finished her demonstration, I could only be even more amazed. She may say the demonstration isn't perfect, but it's actually quite exactly how it's used. Especially to minic Sucheon.

"You're so amazing! You have to be strong AND be in full control of your power to do all this!" Jiwoo complimented as I just chuckled from afar. He's so cute. "...it's nothing" she said back, looking away while I smiled. These two are just adorable together. "Ahem, shall we begin?" She asked, hearing Jiwoo let out an enthusiastic "yes!". Jiyoung explained she'll be using those three skills to slow Jiwoo down and to show her how he'll deal with it.

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