I guess I was. I was able to walk, I couldn't do as many flips and jumps as I thought I could, but I could still do them. My collar still really hurt and so did my wrist. "Um...yeah, I guess I am. But I really have to go, I've got a lot of things to do." I said. He nodded his head as I began to make my way towards the gym located in the cave.

I opened the doors and began my 5km warm up run. Then going onto my 5km run (it would normally be 500 push ups but my arm is broken so....) , 500 sit ups and 10 sets of 1 minute planks

After I was done, I felt drained. By now it was around 10:00 A.M meaning it was breakfast time! My favourite meal of the day! I began to make my way to the kitchen, wiping the sweat off my forehead as I went.

I went into the kitchen, got myself an empty bowl and got the cereal out.

What was missing in this picture?


You need milk to help your bones grow strong.

I opened the fridge door, looking for the milk.

"Where is it? C'mon, where can you possibly be? I'm starving!" I muttered quietly to myself

I kept on digging in the fridge until I eventually found it...sitting behind the orange juice...in the fridge.....

I turned around with the bottle of milk in one hand to find the looks of my fellow teammates.

They were just looking at me.


They weren't just looking at me, they were judging me.

Why were they judging me?

"What are you guys looking at?' I asked, my mood suddenly changing form happy to...to...I guess kind of sad.

"Remember what we said about your weight?" Aqualad said

Oh yeah, they said I was eating too much, and I made an oath not to eat foods that would make me fat, but I guess that was every food, so it technically meant I wouldn't eat anything.

"Oh, yeah. I do remember now that I think about it..."

"I guess, I'll just find something else to do, like train or something, or maybe fix or clean, or I don't know...."

I put the bowl and milk back in the places I originally grabbed them from, then making my way around in the cave, only to end up where the gym was.

If I need to burn all that fat off, I need to do it somehow. What other way to do it than the gym.

I walked onto the treadmill, starting it on a 6, meaning I would be doing a slow jog.

*1 hour later*

I had only run about 2km, meaning, it was about roughly 12:00 P.M by now.

I should go shower.

My legs felt like jelly, almost as if, I took another step and I would collapse onto my own sweat, or what I call, a body.

The alarm suddenly went off, meaning that a villain was attacking somewhere.

I tried to run as fast as I could to the de-briefing room, but I was already so tired form running 2km, that it took me a while to reach the room.

Turning the corner, I had only realised that everyone else was already boarding the ship, and were about to leave without me.

"WAIT! WAIT FOR ME! I'M COMING!" I yelled, in an attempt to stop them from flying off without me.

But my screams were no use, they had already flown off without me, leaving me behind in a cloud of dust.

"PLEASE! I said wait for me..." my voice yelling at first, then becoming into a small whisper that you would strain to hear.

I sat on the ground trying to regain my breath from all the running.

I could hear footsteps coming up behind me in a fast past, almost as if they were running towards me.

My reflexes sprang into action as I threw a Batarang directly at their head, them catching it in their bare hands.

I let out a gasp once I realised who it was.

They three it make, lodging itself in the palm of my hand, making a deep cut slice right into the middle.

The person advanced towards me, running into me with the full force of their shoulder, knocking me to the ground.

My vision was hazy, I was about to close my eyes, only to see a familiar person.


Shocking Love (Dick Grayson) UNDER MAJOR EDITINGजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें