008 all good things must die pt. i

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❝ what made you think that was
prime flirting material?

 I❝ what made you think that wasprime flirting material? ❞

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We have a lot to process

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We have a lot to process. We found a dead man's boat. We raided his motel room. We stole his gun and his money. Okay, maybe JJ was the one that did the stealing, but we're splitting the profits, so technically, it was a group effort. Now, we're all wrapped up something that I'm willing to bet is probably dangerous.

We all sit out on the porch at the Chateau in silence. I'm sure everyone's trying to make sense of their thoughts, same as me.

John B is leaning against the frame of the porch, tossing a glass bottle up repeatedly and catching it as it flips in the air. Kie sits in a dusty old armchair, twiddling her fingers through her wavy hair as she stares at the ground, seemingly deep in thought. JJ is laid back on a tattered old sofa with his head in my lap, flipping his lighter open and closed while I braid and unbraid small locks of his greasy hair. And Pope is anxiously pacing back and forth through the yard.

I watch him through the fly screen of the porch. He's the only one of us who isn't silent. I can hear him mumbling to himself like a bee buzzing in my ear. He is so freaking out right now. We all are – I know I am, anyway – but Pope is the worst at hiding it.

With a small sigh, I turn back to the braid I'm working on in a random spot atop JJ's head. Noticing how my fingers are beginning to feel grimy, I wipe my hands on his shirt to try and get rid of some of the oils. "You should really wash your hair. Like, immediately."

"He probably only showers, like, once a week," Kie mumbles, her eyes still glued to a spot on the floor.

"Not true!" JJ exclaims in defense.

"Now that I think about it, I don't think I've ever seen you shower." My face contorts in disgust at the realization. "How is that possible? I'm with you almost everyday."

"I bet you'd like to see me shower." He smirks teasingly up at me. I can practically hear my brother's eyes rolling with his annoyed groan from across the porch.

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