005 morning, sunshine

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❝ my bikinis show more than this, dumbass. ❞


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With my stuffed duffel bag on my shoulder, I wave off my father and brother as I walk up to my house

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With my stuffed duffel bag on my shoulder, I wave off my father and brother as I walk up to my house. They're sitting in the Twinkie at the end of the driveway and they wave back before pulling away. They just dropped me off after I spent the weekend with them, as I do almost every weekend.

The setting sun is casting a beautiful glow over the house as I run up the steps, excited to see my mother and tell her all about the past couple days of my life. I drag my muddy Converses over the door mat before using my key and walking through the massive French doors.

"Mami?" I call out as I stroll through the foyer, but it's not my mother that responds.

"Hey, kiddo. Your mom went shopping. She should be back any minute now."

I round the corner of the kitchen to find Matt sitting at our unnecessarily large island, his reading glasses resting on the bridge of his nose and his laptop in front of him. My enthusiasm dissipates. "Oh, okay."

A few moments of awkward silence ensues. Even though Matt's been in my life since I was a toddler, we never quite got the hang of conversation with one another.

He eventually speaks up, peering over the top of his reading glasses as I place my bag down on the other side of the island. "So, how was your weekend?"

"It was good," I answer shortly, though that's a huge understatement. I had an amazing time, but I would just rather save all the details for my mom.

Details like how I helped my dad and brother with a ton of Royal Merchant research. How I coached Pope in all things romance, resulting in him having his first kiss at a party. How Kie and I aided newly hatched sea turtles in finding their way to the ocean. And JJ even gave me a lesson in pickpocketing – which it turns out, I'm pretty good at – but I'll keep that part to myself.

"Nothing special," I continue as I rummage through our oversized pantry for something to snack on, eventually finding a family-size bag of Cheeto Puffs.

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