Chapter 23: Aghar, Aberrations and Agents of Angst.

Start from the beginning

"If any of you can sense beyond the mundane, you might be able to perceive something here."

Fandy used a trick that made her eyes glow blue, and enabled her to perceive the arcane, and she also shared the effect with the whole group. The interpretation of what one was seeing was a matter of some skill and experience, of course, but it was clear to Fandy that there was a doorway in the wall, one of some magical construct. She was able to discern some subtle blend of effects, abjuration, conjuration, evocation and transmutation. Doubtless, if you were not of the appropriate religion and moral leaning, the doorway wouldn't open and you'd be blasted with something. Those spectral seals, the spirit had referred to the previous day. Gilleana's eyes were also glowing blue and she turned to look at Fandy, surprise and curiosity plain in her features.

"This is incredible, Fandy.. thank you."

Fandy bowed and grinned, and looked over toward the spirit, her refined eyesight picking out more details, more features that her mundane vision would never have gleaned. He'd been a priest in life, with significant power, possibly a match for the mayor who'd plagued the town with his necromancy. "This only last a short time," she assured him, her expression returning to something more serious in case he was offended by her use of such divination in his catacombs.

"I hadn't heard that your species were so magically inclined," Ludano murmured. "But as you can see.. these seals will hold. Some of them will erode after my passing, others will vanish. You must return here and claim what lies beyond for the faithful that remain. You'll know which artifacts to retrieve, ask your friend to give you this same insight once you are beyond."

Stura was gawping around at everything and everyone with her blue-eyed vision. Sedgwick and Mark behaved much the same as Gilleana, surprised and impressed, but enjoying the fresh perspective all the same. Fandy tried to banish her discomfort and embarrassment at the reaction from her friends and made a vague gesture about the basement room. "Which way vermin?"

The spirit guided them over to another wall, where there had been access to underground tunnels in the city – they were small enough that bringing horses through would have been impossible, and while Stura and Fandy wouldn't have a problem walking upright, Gilleana, Sedgwick and Mark were going to have to stoop. It wasn't a place where Fandy would appreciate any kind of combat.

"There're aberrations in there," the spirit said with gravity to his features. "They've discouraged the vermin from venturing into my temple, but you'll have to dispatch them to reach the Hurk clan. Or persuade them to leave you alone."

"Aberrations?" Fandy was frowning.

Ludano turned his regard from Fandy to Gilleana and spoke in a different language – it wasn't Solamnic or Elven, but something that sounded like Elven and Gilleana recognized. She was also frowning.

"It's a term I've seen used only once or twice. The closest I can translate it to is 'Otyugh'. Some kind of monster that eats refuse and any fresh meat it encounters, and it has a body that is mostly mouth and tentacles."

Fandy hadn't heard the term before, but she knew there were many strange creatures that shared the underground with the aghar. She took a deep breath and made a suggestion. "See in dark trick?"

"For those who need it," Gilleana said with a nod. Fandy looked about and placed the darkvision trick on herself, Stura and Sedgwick. Mark claimed it wasn't necessary for him, which surprised Fandy, but she guessed it was some part of his arcane training. They adjusted the order, Fandy and Stura going first, so that the taller folk wouldn't run into something they couldn't deal with. Gilleana and Sedgwick came next, and Mark crouch-crawled at the back.

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