Chapter IV

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They ran off and into another room to check on Cassidy.

Ryan: Hold on a second, all right? Just hold on.

Cassidy: I couldn't breathe. It lifted me off the freaking ground.

Ryan grabs the camera and goes back to them.

Ryan: Move out of my way, Pfeifer. Move. Move. I wanna see it. Cassidy, I need to get a good look at it.

Cassidy: You're not it, Ryan.

Ryan: I need to. Shh. Just breathe.

Pfeifer: Ryan don't touch her.

Ryan: Get off of me! She's my girlfriend!

Cassidy: Ryan, get me out of here! I am done!

Ryan: Stop. Let me just see it.

Cassidy: I am done! Ryan, you're the freaking reason we're freaking in here! Get the hell out!

Ryan: Fine, Cassidy!

Cassidy: And get me out!

Ryan: Figure it out yourself!

Y/N: Ryan!

Cassidy: You don't give a shit about me!

Y/N: Let me see.

Ryan walks off towards the stage and confronts Reese.

Ryan: Reese. Reese, dude, talk to me. We need to figure this out. What is happening?

Reese: I don't know, man.

Ryan: What do you mean you don't know? I mean, what was that with Cassidy? The TV? What was your dad doing there? What is that about?

Reese: Stop it.

Ryan: What do you mean stop it?! Cassidy's hurt! And you haven't said anything?! Are you serious?!

Reese: Don't put this on me! You're the reason that we came here in the first place!

Ryan: Yeah, I'm the reason we're here, but maybe you're the reason that all this shit's happening to us!

Reese: Don't even do that, okay?

Ryan: Why not?

Reese: Because you brought me here!

Ryan: I brought you here to help you! I wanted to help you!

Reese: You were not trying to help me! You came here to help yourself.

Ryan: That is not true! It was to help you! And you're the reason this is going bad!

Reese: We're stuck in here, man!

Cassidy, Y/N, and Pfeifer come in.

Ryan: Why don't you tell us everything, Reese? Like how Charlie's dead 'cause your dad didn't show up.

Reese: I didn't know. He didn't tell me.

Pfeifer: Stop fighting. Come on.

Y/N: That's enough!

Pfeifer: Guys. Look at that.

Ryan: What?

Pfeifer: Guys... look at the vent.

Ryan: Air-conditioning duct. It could go outside.

Cassidy: 'Course It goes somewhere.

Reese: Ryan? Come on.

Ryan: What, Reese? One of us has to do something, all right? I'm not just gonna sit around.

Reese: God, Ryan. Please.

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