Chapter 1: 'The Chocolate Bars'

186 7 4

Error POV:

I stand up and stretch my arms out. Good morning or whatever time it is right now me! I look back at the slightly deflated beanbag that lay right behind me. I look around, as if expecting to see something. But nothing was there. At least squid isn't here. I don't like that idiot. But for some curses reason he thinks that I like him..... what an idiot.... Why would I ever want to like someone as idiotic as him... I bet you he dosent even know what 1+1 is!

I flip back down onto the beanbag because there is clearly nothing better to do than do that! I then hear a laugh. I bolt up and look around. "You're so blind glitchy!" I spin around to see the one and only squid idiot sitting behind the beanbag and laughing at me.... THIS GUY HAS THE AUDACITY TO LAUGH AT ME LIKE THAT!!! OH IN A MINUTE HE WILL GET IT! Of course after I finish watching the newest season of undernovela! It's something I just CANNOT miss! I guess I was wrong when I said that squid finally wasn't here.... I wish I would've been right but I'll eventually kick him out... yeah I'll literally need to throw him out or else he'll just stay there.... Yeah that's one of the reason I hate him.... AND HES THE ONE SURPRISED I DONT LIKE HIM... Well he thinks I like him but I clearly don't of course! 

Anyways! I'm on the beanbag again... thinking about the stupid things this idiot is doing, instead of watching top quality undernovela! Very bad! I then stuff my hands into my pockets... andddddd ALL MY CHOCOLATE IS GONE NOOOOOOOOO! How could I have eaten it all already! I swear I had like 5 left a day ago.... I mean I did give one to octopus because of a deal.... And I might've eaten the other ones while watching another interesting sequel from undernovela... BUT THAT DOESNT MATTER NO MORE! WHAT MATTERS IS ME GETTING THAT CHOCOLATE BAR INTO MY HANDS, AND THEN EATEN BY ME.... YES! But also..... i do t really feel like going to that idiot... what was his name again? That red guy that has extreme anger issues? Eh I don't know and I don't really care. I then think.... Hmmm, aha! What if I make squid go get the chocolate bars! 

I turn around. Okay, DO NOT MESS THIS UP YOU IDIOT! "Hey squid go get me chocolate bars from underfell!" He stares at me. "WELL WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR!?" He nods and jumps off into ink..... ARE YOU KIDDING ME I JUST CLEANED THE FLOOR AFTER LAST TIME AND NOW- UGHHHHH! That idiot is going to end me one day. Well at least he will be useful for one thing! Other than being the most annoying thing ever to exist of course! Yeah you can never forget that part! Wellll! Shouldn't he be back by now? I look around. I sigh. At least the idiot is gone for more than 5 seconds! 

I then see a bunch of gloop coming towards me.... Oh I already know who that is. "Go away octopus!" Nightmare stares at me. "Call me that again and I'll turn you into mush..." I laugh. "Haha more like the other way round.." he stares at me. "Don't do it...." I laugh harder. "Octopus...." He sighs. "I knew you weren't going to turn me into mush ha!" He rolls his eyes and just stands there for a moment before pulling out uno cards, still not looking at me though. "I ain't playing uno with you...." He looks at me disappointed. "BUT WHYYYYYY YOU ARE MY ONLY WORTHY PLAYER MY IDIOTS ARE TOO EASY TO WIN OVER!" I only laugh at the reaction. "Yeah! Only because I heard you saying to them that if they don't let you win every time you will kill them...." He just stares at me blankly after I say that. "NOT TRUE!" HAHA! "I'm still not playing!" He sighs and looks back at me. I wave at him, basically signalling him to go away. "I WILL RETURN GLITCHY!" "Yes, yes I know that nightmare!" And then I see him zooming away in his gloop. It does look quite amusing. Cus like it's pretty funny for me at least! Because I have a actual sense of humour unlike other people that exist!

I then look around again... WHERE IS THAT SQUID IDIOT ITS BEEN LIKE 10 MINUTES HE IS TAKING TOO LONG! "Heyyyyy glitchy!" I spin around, startled. "WTH IS WRONG WITH YOU!" He laughs! "Anyways I got you those chocolate bars!" I look around him. "And where exactly are they?" He smiles at me. "I ate them!" ..... " YOU DID WHAT?" THIS FREAKING IDIOT HAS NO IDEA HOW TO DO ANYTHING RIGHT! "GET OUT!" He continues to laugh as he jumps into the black ink. UGHHHH! I hate beings like him who literally all they do is just waste my precious time on stupid things like this! I sigh. Right.... Let's just get those chocolate bars myself... that means going to underfell.... And seeing anger issues guy... yeahhhh this is for sure going to be NOT VERY NICE I DO MOT LIKE ANGER ISSUES GUY HE TEALLY ANNOYS ME.... ok! Time to go! 

I open up a portal and jump in. Time to do what I do every week.... Or 3 times a week..... or every day.... ANYWAYS! Time to do this!


Sorry it's a bit short I'm trying to leave it on the best parts possible!

Hope whoever reads this enjoyed it!



Words: 957

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