5- The Preparation

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Spent a lot of time on this part for you all. Hope you like it! The song is Tep No- Promises. Thought it kinda fit with this part. Remember to vote and comment so I know to continue!

"I have a message for Arius."

Asking around various bars and clubs sounded like a good idea until I actually did it. After receiving so many puzzled and confused answers when I asked people about the elusive man, I was about ready to give up, until I got to this particular bar.

The bartender stares at me for a moment then glances to his left and right as if making sure no one is in ear shot. The gruff looking man leans into me closer and I can smell the
lingering smoke from his last cigarette. His mouth smirks but his eyes harden in distrust.

"How does a little girl like you know a name like that?" He says slowly with a threatening lilt to his voice. I frown at the impertinence.

I repeat myself. "I have a message for Arius." My eyes narrow and I mirror his same sentiment.

"Well, aren't you the determined thing. And what would this message happen to be little one?" He smiles, showing a row of perfect white teeth.

"Tell Arius that Lina wishes to meet with him. He can find her at Club Zithis tonight at 11." I slide off the bar stool and throw the guy a hundred dollar bill just so he has a little more motivation to relay the message. I leave the bar with a slight swing in my step that I didn't have before.

I wasn't sure the vampire would even still be in the area, but it looks like my guesses were right. The fact that he has stuck around after all these years is encouraging to me. Now, I'm just one step closer to having him. Am I in over my head? Maybe. Am I still going to try? Most definitely.

"Is there a particular reason why you are having me park in the alley next to the club instead of in the parking lot?" Nate asks me, his fingertips brushing lightly over my thigh.

I shiver slightly while swallowing my distaste. I pull a fake smile and glance over at him.

"I guess you'll find out in a little while." I get out of the parked car and start towards the packed entrance with Nate in tow. Cutting ahead of the line I get quite a few colorful new nicknames. The bouncer frowns at first but then smiles appreciatively and shoos us inside, his eyes slightly lingering on me.

Once we make it in, I put my plan into action. Club Zithis is already in full swing. The house and techno beats permeate through the entire place as smoke from vape pens form a foggy haze wherever light touches empty space. As I study my surroundings, Nate reaches from behind and pulls me into him, his warm breath at the base of my neck. I scowl slightly but then remember my strategy. I must utilize a reluctant attitude whenever he touches me. This act is the most important part of my plan. I have to play like Nate is forcing advances on me. (Not really hard considering I don't want him touching me in the first place.)

I palm my purse and make sure I can still feel the imprint of my sheathed hunting knife. Feeling reassured, I pull out of Nate's grasp and head towards the bar. He's going to have to be good and drunk by the time I'm ready to begin. I check my watch: 10:30. If my hunches are correct, and usually they are, the vampire has been observing me the entire time.

Minutes pass and Nate begins to look like he's ready for what I have in store by the feel of his sweaty palm creeping up the bare skin of my leg and brushing the bottom of my black dress. I glance around nervously and fidget in my seat, trying to stall Nate's progress. It's all a ruse of course. If I didn't need him for my plan to work then I would kick the boy to the curb immediately. Which hopefully is what will happen in the very near future.

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