Part 10: Behind the Portal to Enigma

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Eva's gaze met Sussy's, and in that instant, a silent understanding passed between them. Their eyes held a reflection of the horrors they had witnessed, a shared terror that seemed to stretch on for an eternity. It was as if time itself had slowed, allowing their unspoken fears to linger in the air.

Summoning all her strength, Eva made an effort to appear composed and polite. With a forced smile, she responded to Mr. Reynolds, "Yes, a very lovely day, Mr. Reynolds." Her voice trembled slightly, but she managed to maintain a semblance of normalcy. Mr. Reynolds acknowledged her response with a subtle nod, then picked up a newspaper, his attention seemingly diverted.

Sussy's grip on Eva's hand tightened, her fingers trembling slightly. She leaned in and whispered, her voice barely audible, "I think we have to act like everything is normal, otherwise we will just cause panic. Besides, no one would believe us." Her words carried the weight of their shared knowledge, the chilling secrets they had uncovered. With a sigh, Eva nodded in reluctant agreement.

As if on cue, the school bell rang, its shrill tone signaling the start of the next class. Eva rose from her seat, her steps feeling unsteady as she moved towards the classroom door. The memory of her unprepared lesson plan weighed on her mind, but she couldn't dwell on it now.

She entered the classroom, her complexion still pallid from the night's horrific experiences. Observant pupils noticed her altered appearance and voiced their concern. "Mrs. Collins, are you feeling okay? You look sick," one student inquired, genuine worry in their eyes.

Eva struggled to regain her composure, her thoughts racing. She forced a smile, her voice tinged with an attempt at normalcy as she replied, "Oh, it's just a common cold, nothing to worry about." Her words seemed to placate the students, and they settled into their seats, ready to begin the day's lesson.

With a heavy heart, Eva informed her class that today's task was simple: they were to write an essay about the school. It was a topic she had chosen hastily, her mind preoccupied with the unsettling events of the night. The students began writing, their pens scratching against paper, but Eva's thoughts were elsewhere.

She glanced up at the clock, its second hand moving relentlessly. Before she knew it the class was over, and Eva found herself sitting at her desk, hands covering her face. She watched as her students obediently handed in their essays one by one before rushing out to enjoy their break.

Eva was left alone in the classroom, the weight of the situation pressing down on her. She knew there was no escaping the reality of what they had uncovered. As she sat there, the silence of the empty classroom seemed to echo with the hauntings from the day before.

Eva sat back in her chair, a sense of paralysis still gripping her. The events of the night had left her in a state of shock, and she couldn't shake the feeling of dread that had settled over her. As she tried to collect her thoughts, Eva's eyes wandered to the pile of essays her students had turned in. Most of them bore ordinary titles: "A school where I feel at home," "A school where my friends go," "A school with nice teachers." They were typical reflections of a student's perception of their educational environment.

But then, amidst the mundane titles, Eva's eyes locked onto one that stood out like a beacon in the darkness: "My school with the secret door." Her curiosity piqued, she picked up the essay and began to read. The words on the page sent a chill down her spine.

The essay described a hidden door in the school's library, a door that Mr. Reynolds apparently frequented. It painted a picture of a secret playground with countless hiding spots. Eva's shock grew as she read on, for the student had provided explicit instructions on how to access this hidden door. It was located near a red bookshelf, and to open it, one had to first pull a blue book adorned with a golden star, then a dark-red book featuring a dragon, and finally, push the entire bookshelf.

Eva couldn't believe what she was reading. It was as if the secrets of Coldbrook High were laid bare before her. She knew she had to investigate, to confirm the truth of this essay. With tears streaming down her face, she abruptly left the classroom, her footsteps echoing through the empty halls.

In haste, she reached the library, her heart pounding in her chest. The blue book with the golden star stood out on the shelf, and Eva wasted no time. She pulled it back, and it gave way easily. Next was the dark-red book adorned with a dragon, and it too yielded to her touch. Gathering her resolve, Eva pushed against the bookshelf with all her strength. There was a subtle clicking noise, and then, as if by some hidden mechanism, the bookshelf began to sink into the floor.

Eva's eyes widened as the hidden entrance revealed itself. It was just as the essay had described. A rush of adrenaline coursed through her veins as she contemplated what lay beyond that secret door. But as she peered into the darkness, her heart sank with horror. What she saw inside shocked her to the core.

"So guys, that was part 10, what do you guys think will happen next?"

"So guys, that was part 10, what do you guys think will happen next?"

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