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Rayan felt Miray trembling in his arms, her coldness seeping into him like an icy chill. He cursed himself for not bringing his jacket, wishing he could have at least offered it to her for warmth. 

With a sense of urgency, he stood up and reached out to assist Miray in standing, but her legs failed her.

Miray's legs were utterly numb, and when she made the futile attempt to stand, a wail of agony escaped her lips, tears of misery flowing freely. 

Rayan quickly knelt beside her once more, and that's when he noticed that she was barefoot. The realization struck him like a thunderbolt, causing his heart to sink.

"Oh *-, you're hurt!" Rayan exclaimed, his voice tinged with frustration and anxiety as he fumbled nervously, desperately wanting to alleviate her pain. When he made contact with her skin, Miray let out another agonized cry, making Rayan's heart sink further.

Her feet hurt, not from the superficial cuts, but from the numbing pain and the familiar feeling of... disability.

"Hey, shh, it's okay," Rayan said urgently, his voice filled with concern as he desperately tried to soothe her. "What hurts? I mean which part hurt most?" he asked, inspecting her feet carefully.

Miray shook her head, her lips tightly clenched as she fought back tears. "My f-feet, numb," she choked out.

"Okay, okay, just relax," Rayan reassured as he gently held her feet in his warm hands, trying to provide some warmth through the touch. He began massaging her feet gently, trying to stimulate blood flow and feeling gradually returning to her toes.

Miray winced at first, but as Rayan continued the massage, she began to feel a tingling sensation in her feet. It was uncomfortable, but she knew it was a sign that her legs were slowly waking up from their numbness. She focused on her breathing, trying to relax and trust Rayan.

After a few minutes of careful massage, Miray's numbness gradually faded, and the intense pain began to subside. Her trembling hand found its way to Rayan's shoulder, her fingers gripping it lightly. "It's okay," she whispered, blinking away tears as her eyes met Rayan's, both filled with unspoken emotions.

"Thank you," she added softly, suddenly feeling embarrassed.

Rayan only nodded, the moonlight casting a gentle glow on their faces, revealing the traces of tears that had once fallen. Their eyes were locked for a couple of seconds that felt like decades, sharing an unspoken connection that transcended words.

"Come on," he suddenly said, offering his back for a piggyback ride. Miray hesitated for a moment, feeling a twinge of embarrassment, but she knew her feet would betray her, and she'd end up stumbling and falling, making herself look even more pathetic. 

Hence, with a mixture of gratitude and humility, she accepted his offer and hopped onto his back with his help, wrapping her arms around his neck. Her cold fingers brushed against his skin, sending a shiver down his spine, but she couldn't help it. 

She needed his warmth...

Rayan adjusted his grip, ensuring she was secure before he began to walk her back home.

The moonlight cast long shadows on the sand around them, and despite the cold and the pain, Miray couldn't help but feel a sense of safety in Rayan's arms. The rhythmic rise and fall of his steps became a comforting lullaby, lulling her into a sense of security as they made their way through the quiet night.

"Miray," Rayan's voice broke the silence of the night, stirring Miray from the edge of slumber. She hummed in response, her drowsy eyes blinking slowly.

Unfading Shadows [2]حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن