Spit in My face (mafiatale!aus) scraped

Start from the beginning

 he enters the nearest alleyway, dark as he'd expect it to be but he could clearly make up the figure running out of the alley. he just stares at them as the figure went to the other end of the alley. for a moment he caught them looking back at him before scurrying away.

 he didn't chase them down, he just stood there, frozen. He had a feeling it might not be the last time he'd see them. 


    She sat in the shadows of the city, empty bottles and trash are littered all around her, the smell of wet moldy cardboard and alcohol fills the whole alleyway. Her nose had started to hurt from breathing with them for so long, using her mouth instead which, isn't much better as it makes her mouth feels dry but she'll take it, making large amounts of white smoke as she breaths out.

    The thin jacket she wore barely helps with how cold it is, she felt so tired too. She took another deep sigh, shutting her mouth up and covering her nostrils with the sleeves of her hands to breath. She doesn't know where she is this time, not at all. Sometimes she could get a jist of some locations but her mind is so numb right now. She blames the snow for this.

    Someone went past the alleyway she's been sulking in, which of course caught her attention. she couldn't see their face since it is perfectly shadowed by their dark blue fedora. She couldn't help but notice how fancy his get is, pinstriped jacket, pants and all, especially how shiny his leather shoes was, should really tie it though,

   She leans away from the wall, walking to the edge of the walls to stalk this guy (for fun) only to get an uncomfortable shiver running down her spine. Not even a second was wasted as she rushed out of the alleyway, not stopping herself as she collides with man. She could fell something hitting her chest (barely missing the center) and stumbles backwards toward the brick walls.

    She groans as she looks down on herself, the flowers had already started to grow. Her hand rubs the space around the open wound, it stung like a heartache but she could take it.

    "God damn it..."  

        She grumbles under her breath cursing silently to herself, "dumbass lmfao". She took a glance at the man, or more specificly, a big skeleton man. Even from where she is she could see his eyelights blazing through his socket but it's flickers are a bit messy which got her to speculate he might be drunk.

    Taking the chance, she walks away silently, she don't think she'd know how to interact with a guy she just saved (smh). She just woke up and the first thing she did is getting shot, how awesome. Going back to the previous alleyway she was in, she quickened her pace a litte, just exiting to the other end of the alley. The street lights are somehow brighter on this side. 

    She couldn't help but looking back as she felt like she's being stared at. She could see the guys eyelights glowing from a far, creepy. But cool. She kept walking as she felt like the stare down is going on a little longer than necessary. She doesn't know why he's not chasing after her but she's not complaining.

    It didn't take her long to realise morning had came by. Getting up from some stone beach, somehow after a while of walking last night she got around the "nicer" part of the city. Behind her bench is a fence that confines the areas park which she couldn't get into cause, it's gated and are closed. Probably to keep out the addicts and what not from trashing the trees.

    She doesn't really know what time it exactly is as of then but she'd guess it's like 5AM or something, roughly? Probably.

    She went on another walk, back to where the shops would be. The streets are actually decorated with a bit of plants here and there, beautifully made little signs hanging from the walls indicating some local shops like convenience stores or most notably cafes. One play in particular caught her attention, placed at the edge away from all the other stores.

    It's not open but the lights are open. She couldn't help but caught the smell of honey and cinnamon coming from the inside of the bakery. Reading a bit more of the signs, Muffet's, monster own business. Haha, neat. She kept staring at the little sign, there's also a very large cursive sign board above her head.

    Since it's at he edge of the street, a large window has been placed to utilise the space, she'd couldn't exactly see what's inside since the window are closed by these sheer like covers doubled by some blinds. The curtains behind the blinds truly amazes her from how pretty  it looks like. Like it is made out of some expensive silk of some kind.

    She kept looking at them, face pressed a bit closer than needed since the blinds made it a bit harder to see (it doesn't stop her from anything tho lmao). She kept admiring the little shines it made, the seams and it patterns. She doesn't know how long she's been standing there just looking at the curtains but certainly long enough that somebody move the curatins out of the the way and a set of black eyes stares back at her. One moment suspicious and the other, shock?

    She flinched back from the sudden appearance of a character, staring back with her own bewildered expression. The curtains then close again which gives her the que to get away from there but to her confusion she could hear the front door opening with the bell chiming, she tried fast-walking to get away-

 "Hey you! Get back here!" The monsters voice sounds feminine, soft but strong. She awkwardly, slowly turns her body to the (probably) owner of the bakery. She could see the spider monster giving her stern look, noticing the glasses hanging just below two out of the five of her eyes. Skin purple and two of her six gloved hands crossed on her chest. She glances to the front a few times, considering the thought of bolting, before turning back to walk towards the purple spider, as slowly as she could at that. She pulls the hood of her jacket closer to her face, trying to cover it, her other hand in her jackets pocket.

    She could hear a sigh and before she could look up her arm was pulled and dragged into the bakery, the door closing behind her with another chime. Both of her hand are on sides of her body, she stood still and unblinking as she stares back at the purple spider. Her jet black hair is tied in two tight buns with a straightly lined micro bang. She's dressed up in a nice deep purple waist coat, pants and shoes, her white shirt making her outfit pop in colour. 

    Her mouth open and closes a few times, contemplating on what to say, the monsters expression grew a bit more annoyed the long it took her to think. 

    She glances around the shop as she felt Muffet's gaze on her, as she learned the spiders name from the very obvious nametag on her waistcoat. She admires how the place is decorated, purple being a big theme all around. The table are printed with cute web like design on the top. Spider webs are visible in the corners of the place, she's sure they're intentional...

    Ends there

      New Desc for Spit in My face

    The diner she works at was slightly run down and choppy but she's always had a good time working there. One night, they received a reservation request for a big party and without hesitation Vera offers to server them.

      That same night, after closing time she just so happens to stumble across a man in the night, saving him from an unexpected gunshot. She escaped the situation leaving the man alone and confused that night.

        Much to her luck, she is only going to meet him again the next night with the rest of his party.

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