Given Anew 1.1

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    CHAPTER 2.1 -Spent Together-

together.png (there meant to be a picture here, thats just what the image was called)

   As you were accepted into their little group which they call themselves as 'Elise'. You're Y/N Elise now. Canon. For the question of your...  real don't remember them or what happened to them. You do remember leaving..somewhere...? Anyways-

  "Aight, c'mon- Say goodbye to Ordpet-"

 Entity unexpectedly lifts you up, setting you on her shoulders. You grab hold of around her head as support, fear you might fall. She wouldn't let that happen right? You screamed out for a halt to wait and turns around to look at Vox nead who seemed to almost turn around. You quickly asked why you need to say goodbye and where Box head is going,

  "Wandering around is one of Ordpets routines.. or habits. We're just going back to some things as she does that. Dont worry 'bout her kid"

 You glance up towards Box Head who seemed to give you their usualy smile and a sense of assurence. Everything was quiet for a momsnt before Entity suddenly starts to walk forwards, away from Ordet. You quickly muttered out your farewell as you also manage to catch Box Head's wave as a response. You then slowly tuens your head to face forwards then quite surprised to see the thin string lights had formed into somewhat fluffy like things you remember would float in the sky except its non-dimensional.

   For a second you were mermeraized by the view but something clicks in your mind whish cause you to avert your gaze or rather, close your eyes. At least however long this walk is going to be you'll get to rest for a while. You mentally thanks Entity for having the heart to carry you. You rest your chin on Entity'ps head feeling something on your back which is causing you to feel drowsy and warm. Your little blush does unnoticed aswell as a ghostly someone using their little ability on you...

  " I'm sure there's a good reason she went off. She knows her ways and would be back to where we are sooner or later"

 What's the difference with where you are and where you're going anyways. Everything is basicly a duplicate of one another. At least....kinda. Your thought then leads you to looking up into the "sky" again. The fluff things had dissappeared. Maybe its blurred from your tiredness or maybe it's really just gone. Doesn't matter as even Entity's words sort of slips your mind as you fell unconcious..

     The nap went on quick and skips to you waking up again but on a bean bag. The unfamiliar surface was quick to shock you up and almost falling off the bean bag only to immedietly panic as you managed to hold onto it again. You looked down seeing the yellow bean bag and still the same orange 'floor'. It seems like other than having two bean bags nothing else is different about your surroundings so far. Across from you, Entity seemed to be asleep on a more small arm-chair looking red bean bag with Ghost beside as they lean on the bean bag you're on. 

   You jumped a little from noticing the ghost beside you. The ghost only laughs and ask how your nap was as a response. You told her how it was nice to sleep and rest but to be honest you're starting to feel hungry. You obviously don't remember when's the last time you ate, definitely didn't from that time you...ran from..
(No special fonts included) UNEDITED )

    CHAPTER 2.2

   The guardsperson snaps their head towards the sounds from the dense bushery. With a quick message for their recruits they began their descend towards it, armed weapon ready at hand. As they were slowly walking towards them, a creamy white fluffy cat appear out of the bushes catching the person off guard.

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