Given Anew 1.0 (undertale!aus) scraped

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You jumped when a string of light passes infront of your face. You touch the string of light and it fazes into dust before re-merging itself as your now visible hand went through it. You awed but quickly ignoring that and everything else however, you turn your attention back to the box-headed figure infront of you, you'll call them Box Head for now, not creative and you know that but at least it'll be better than 'box-headed figure'.

Box Head gives you a wave as they realized you were looking at them. You have a guess as to what Box Head could be but... your mind didn't quite remember what it was called other than it's labeled for...special people. You remembered many not really liking them, you wondered why. You'll remember later..

You dont know how but you thought Box Head said something, their mouth didn't open or close which is confusing you more. With that guess set aside you said your own quite hesitant and nervous sounding greeting which Box Head weren't expecting but was happy with. However they didn't give you a response back. You're guess was that they couldn't or just shy to.

For the moment both were silent. You have your own questions as it also seemed like Box Head is in their own thoughts. You're not sure what to do at the moment. The feeling of safety and comfort are one you'd like to keep but you need to leave this place. You're not suppose to be here now were you? Box Head then stands up and reach out a sleeve to you.

A few passing moments as you only stare at them. You're quite confused what they wanted you to do. They shake their sleeve a little, were they telling you to hold thier sleeve? That's all you could'vd guessed from them. Box Heads silent and expressionless demeanor hasn't been doing much help in commmunication has it? You cautiously take a last look around and moves closer towrads them.

You dont know what to think of this. No one else is around and quite frankly you'll heed help to find your much-needed escape. You accepted their offer but it seemed you're only holding onto their sleeve, you dont feel their hand holding yours back.

Oh well, you're the one choosing this.

Enjoying whatever came around this distant land and the comforting silence as you walk into oblivion with you new stranger-box-friend. The stingy memories amy brings bad taste in your mouth but that something tells you whatever it is.

It's bad.

You dont know how long you've been walking but you soon saw distant figures in the distance. Luckily your legs aren't feeling any worst than before, still aren't any better though. The walk felt long but it passes so quickly. Box Head puts their free sleeve on a side of their face which follows with the figures turning around seeming to notice you with Box Head. Did they said something you couldn't hear? Perhaps yes. You wondered how that'd be possible.

Both parties coutinue to walk towards each other. One of them looks like a ghost, maybe they are one? Their hair is long and wavey. Both their hair and skin is white but slightly hued in orange due to them being slightly transparent. They also seemed to have her eyes a rounded shape with a constant soft-smile on their face that made her bottom lids scruched up followed by yellow...blush?

They're wearing yellow denim dress-like shirt with butterfly sleeves but with string ribbons tied on the collar of their shirt and above on elbow. Her clothers have a natural waistline with the bottom fabric looking flowy with the left side ending somewhere mid-thigh and the right side ending somewhere on their hip. They're also wearing blue denim shorts with white socks. You've somehow noticed how they're wearing white gloves and there's three of these tear-like shaped things surrounding, moving in circles around her ever-so-often.

The one next to them also have a wavey hair but theirs are at shoulder-ish lenght and more normal looking. It seemed to be a gradient from white and black' at the ends of it. Much like Box's ghost-like friend, she have half of her face covered which hides her other eye, though Ghost's are slightly transparent which still made their eyes both visable. She seemed to have one pointy ear visable as the other are hidden by the side of hair that covered her face. Her one visable eye are slim and her eyelids are half-lidded. They're deep brown in colour and she have a sharp smile on her face with a raised brow.

well well well, if it isn't the consequences of my own actionsHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin