Chapter 22 - Lost Caravan

Start from the beginning

They walked the rest of the patrol in silence, working their way in a large sweep around the boathouse. When they got to a road just North of their camp, they spotted a Brahmin lying in the middle of the road and as they got closer they spotted bodies as well. It was now fully dark, but the sky was clear and the moon bright. From where Nate and Cait had stopped, they could see two bodies lying one side of the Brahmin and one the other. The beast had a large steamer trunk still roped to its back so was obviously part of a Caravan. The pair crept up to the first body and on inspection could see that it was a caravan guard, not anyone Nate knew. Cait went to inspect the body the other side of the animal.

"It's a trader," Cait whispered, "but not one I recognise." She started looking through his pockets.

Nate examined the other bodies, who were both caravan guards by their apparel and then he moved up to the trunk. The lid was open and the contents strewn about all over the road.

"This blood is fresh, this could have been earlier today," Cait held up her hand, blood on her finger tips.

"Let's have a look through these contents, looks like they have been thrown about but not much has been taken." Nate held up a small box of 5mm ammunition. Certainly not something that would have been left by any raiders he knew.

"Over here," motioned Cait, who was standing by the side of the road and looking into the long grass. Nate went over to where Cait was stood and saw the body of a ghoul, all but hidden by the greenery. It had a large hole in its chest, which Nate assumed was from one of the guards who had a shotgun lying beside him. Cait then noticed something, a little deeper in the foliage.

"Isn't this what you are looking for?" Cait held up a small shoe box sized container with the Institute's logo printed on the lid.

"Yes, maybe," answered Nate, "But there is another one here," he held up one that was still in the trunk. "Have a quick scout around to see if there are any others and then we will head home. We can come back at first light and see what else we can find. I don't like banging around in the dark, you never know what's lurking about looking for dinner."

Cait nodded and after another twenty minutes they had recovered four boxes in total and taken them back to the boathouse. When they arrived back Piper was sleeping and Curie was standing guard.

"I told Piper to get some rest as I knew you were only over there," She pointed to where Nate and Cait had just found the caravan.

"That's ok," Nate reassured her, "I'll stay up with you now and take first watch."

Cait looked grateful as she too was tired. It didn't take long for Cait to shed the chest armour and her boots, and leaving her rifle next to her sleeping bag she slid in and rolled over to face the fire. Nate followed Curie as they headed downstairs, to stand on the front porch of the house.

The next morning and Nate woke to the smell of frying beef steak. "Ah, a breakfast fit for a king," He stretched.

"Or one to clog your arteries," responded Piper who handed Nate a coffee.

"Rubbish, its fuel for the road and you will soon burn off the extra calories lugging the stuff we are about to scavenge from that caravan up there." Nate began chewing on his steak.

Piper looked puzzled and as she handed a waking Cait her tea, she asked, "Caravan?"

"Mmm," nodded Cait as she took a sip of her tea, pulling a face as she burned her tongue, "An out of state caravan must have been making its way to bunker Hill when it was attacked by Ghouls. It looks like it happened yesterday, and their stuff is still all over the road. We wait too long and we may miss out."

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