Chapter 3

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The door to her bedroom opened, making Saphira jump as she took deep breaths before she began to cough. Saphira was still trying to figure out why she was feeling the bond. It disappeared exactly a year ago, and today was her twenty third birthday. She did not want to celebrate it, after all it was tainted by bad memories. And now she was confused. She had thought that she might not feel the bond ever again. But she has now woken up to the sensation of the bond returning. But it was not the same. And she did not know if she should believe that it was real.

Barricade had a concerned expression as he heard her scream Optimus's name before. He did not know what that mean. But he assumed it could also be due to the flu. "Morning, Saphira." She glanced at him as she finished coughing, though her eyes were filled with sadness and confusion. "Are you okay? I heard you shouting his name before. I suspect it was another nightmare."

Saphira shrugged as tears fill her eyes. " wasn't a normal nightmare...and it was not the nightmare that I have been having every day either. But this nightmare took place in the emerald field...before it was destroyed..." Barricade sat on the bed as he listened to her quietly. "And I saw his silhouette in the distance. I was so shocked, because I have not dreamt of him in so long...and here I am." Saphira let her tears fall and Barricade gently wiped them away. "Then there was an explosion...the same explosions from the rockets launched from those tanks. I woke up after that, but...this is going to sound crazy, but I feel the bond again somehow." Barricade widened his optics slightly as he listened to her. "I am not sure if it's even possible, or just my flu..."

"It is possible." She widened her eyes in shock at Barricade's reply. "Are you still feeling the bond now?" She nodded. "It is possible if Optimus was not actually killed, but rather he fell into a deep, offline that practically made his body inert and unable to function. It is like a dreamless, death like sleep. It is possible for that to happen." Saphira took deep breaths as she did not know how to feel about that, especially as she had accepted he was gone. "I probably should have told you this was possible, but I didn't want to give you hope."

Saphira listened to him and pondered for a moment before she sneezed suddenly. "I am not sure how to feel about that possibility. If it's true...why is the bond weak? I cannot sense his emotions."

"It is strained. The death like sleep can cause that in sparkmates. He would need to bond with you again to reignite it." Barricade leaned forward a little and placed his hand on her cheek gently. "While I don't know what could have caused him to end up like that, I just know that you have found peace in the last year." She frowned a little as she listened to him. "I do not know how you feel about knowing that though, Saphira. You do not seem excited."

"Should I be?" Saphira sniffled as she let more tears fall from her green eyes. "Barricade, even if Optimus is still alive, I would prefer it is he were here. He has not gone through with his promise of finding me...even though I don't think I can blame him." She sniffled some more as she thought more about it. " hurts so much, Barricade. And now, you and I...I have developed feelings for you too...and it makes me feel bad because of it."

Barricade shuffled forward and placed his hand on her shoulder gently with a smile. "I know. But I would never force you, Saphira. I know you love me, but your love for Optimus is very strong. Even now, I know you still love him. You yearn for him. That is definitely not something anyone can fake, Saphira."

Saphira nodded as she could not disagree. "Yeah, I still love him. I love him so much that it hurts..." She was interrupted by a coughing fit and Barricade rubbed her back gently with a concerned expression as he watched her have her coughing fit. It took a minute before she stopped and she caught her breath. "Damn this flu is extremely annoying..." She rubbed her throat and looked at Barricade. "I am glad that you are here."

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