Chapter 2

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Walking out onto the patio of a two-story farmhouse on a large property in Texas at dusk, a middle-aged man sighed deeply as she glanced around at the property that he has lived in for many years. Here, he raised his daughter after the loss of his wife so many years ago. Always determined to try and build something that matters to this world, that is what has been driving him forward for so many years due to his desire to make his daughter happy. Today, a real estate agent brought people to check the house again and he chased them away, but not before the agent basically broke the news to his daughter that he was stealing power from the neighbour's property now. It was not something he wanted his daughter to hear, but it was too late now. Another thing that she would be disappointed in him about.

His name is Cade Yeager, and he has been struggling to find ways to make money from his passion on inventing. While he has managed to create many different inventions, none of them have been able to make him a lot of money. He had managed to get money here and there from his inventions, and the occasional cash that came from helping another person with an issue they might have that he would be able to fix. But it wasn't really enough to get by. He has been lucky that they haven't been forced off the property yet. And he also knew he was letting his teenage daughter, Tessa, down due to being unable to be the father she is wanting him to be.

As the cool evening wind brush over his skin, he gazed up at the sky and watched as several meteors skim over the atmosphere of the planet. It was the beauty of living in the country this way as you can really see the sky and the stars at night. High rise buildings often block them out, and being out here in the fresh air had always been a place he wanted to live. It was not complicated, and he had the space to create inventions. And someday he knew that one of his inventions will make him enough money to ensure Tessa would not want for anything.

Resting his hands on the railing of the patio, his thoughts went back to his wife. His heart had remained loyal to her for so many years. After all, he made a promise to her that he would get Tessa to her graduation. And he had almost done that. She was in her finals at school, and he knew she that she was going to do great in college. She was smart, and she could do anything she wanted to if she put her mind to it. Cade was proud of her. And he knew his wife was too.

He gazed at the stars in the sky and spoke softly, believing as though his wife could hear him. "Best thing that ever happened, Emily. She's the best thing that ever happened. You'd be proud." He smiled at the sky as his brown eyes look around at the farm around him. He only became distracted by a sound coming from the barn, and Cade immediately groaned in frustration, knowing exactly what the sound meant. "Oh, no..."

He quickly made his way off the patio and ran towards the barn to find out what was causing the sound of electrical sparks. The last thing he needed was to cause a fire. Especially since he had an old freightliner towed in that afternoon. Running into the barn, he spotted a small fire and grabbed one of his fire extinguishers to put it out. It was luckily a small fire that was easy to put out, but it was still irritating. He sighed and walked away from the table that had the small fire, and looked around his barn.

He placed his hands on his hips as he took deep breaths. "Unbelievable." At the moment, it felt like the world was pushing down on him and he was stuck with no way to get out. "Unbelievable! God!" He looked around at all the inventions he had made, or had started making and now needed fixing, he just knew that he had to do something. "Something in here needs to make this family some money." His eyes fell upon the dusty, old, freightliner he had towed in earlier. Cade found it strange that the truck was found in an old theatre in town, but it was something he decided to get while it was available. "Come on, you old wreck. Judgement day."

Cade knew that this truck had been custom designed, based upon the flame patterns on the truck's body. They were faint, but he had seen them. There was a lot of damage done to this truck, and he did not know what exactly this thing had gone through. The front of the truck had a massive hole in it from large missiles hitting it. Cade just hoped that this thing still had parts that were at least worth selling. He may not use the parts in his inventions, but the parts in the truck engine itself might just get them some money.

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