"Where are we going?"

"You'll find out soon."

"But my parents-."

"I already told them and they agreed. Don't worry. Don't you trust me?" Sunghoon smiles, his one very faint dimple showing.

"No I don't.. but okay."

He rolls his eyes, his hand still in hers as he interlaces their fingers together.

She looks down at their hands before looking away, a red tint on her cheeks. She stares out the window and soon see's an amusement park.

"Dude another day before it closes when we're free, let's go to the amusement park." She turns to Sunghoon with a smile, watching him chuckle.


He shakes his head as the bus stops, pulling her hand with his as they walk out the bus. "Oh wait where are we going?"

He stops and waits for the crossing sign to turn green before crossing, walking towards the entrance of the amusement park.

"I saw you stare at this place the other day, and it closes soon so I'm bringing you here before it moves to another town."

Her eyes widen as she stops in her tracks, looking up at the tall boy with two tickets in his hand. "Really?!"

Her eyes light up when he nods, her heart pounding against her chest as her excitement starts to kick in.

"WELL C'MON LETS GO!" She shouts, jumping up and down before pulling him closer to the entrance. The boy shows the tickets and they get stamped, the two excitedly going in hand in hand.

For the rest of the day, they went on multiple rides,  playing heaps of games and won only one prize, and ate lots of foods.

By the time they finished eating, only one ride was open.

"It's the Ferris Wheel." She says, looking up at the huge ride. "Lets go."

The girl looks at the boy with an uneasy expression. "What's wrong?"

"They're scary."

He raises a brow. "You went on the scariest rides here but you're scared of the Ferris Wheel?" He questions, the small female nodding in response. "They're like.. slow and they randomly stop. They scare me because what if it stops and never continues like I'm just stuck there. It also gives me more time to realise I'm in the fucking sky."

She looks up when she gets no response, seeing the boy smile down at her. "I promise nothing will go wrong okay?"

'I promise to love you forever.'

The words from her childhood suddenly hit her, her mind too occupied by the said promise that she doesn't realise the boy pulling her into the line.

"Okay but like wha-."

She realises they're the next to go onto the carriage. "Oh lord."

Sunghoons pulls her onto the carriage and sits opposite from her, keeping the carriage balanced. "Sunghoon I think im gonna die." She mutters, looking out of the window's as the carriage slowly moves up.

Her Last Mission | Park Sunghoon Where stories live. Discover now