There are a lot of presents under the tree from family and friends as well as from Santa. we start with Lilly's presents because she is a kid and it's easiest to get hers over with first. It's not only toys because she already has a lot, but there are also books, drawing stuff and clothes. Who said you can't get practical stuff for Christmas? We do most of the presents not from Santa because that's just how it was when I was a kid too.

From my parents, she gets one of those kid kraft doll houses for your Barbies that she has been wanting for a while. She has been asking for it for months since she first saw it, so I told my parents that it might be a good idea. She is so excited to play with it later. She also gets a few barbies from them. From Selena, she gets a pair of tights for ice skating and a Barbie. From Asher, she gets something similar but instead of a Barbie, she gets some drawing supplies because she loves that.

I was surprised when Will pulled out a present to her from Nate. He got her a set of books and an Elsa dress. How he even got her size I don't know, but I suspect Selena has something to do with that.

"Can I open the big one?" She asks and points to a present from Will. It's big and I don't know what he got her. She unwraps it and it's a bicycle. "I saw that you don't have a bicycle, so I thought I could get you one and then I can teach you to ride it," he says, and she runs over to hug him. "And to keep your mother's sanity I got a helmet and knee and elbow protection things" he adds, and I roll my eyes, but I appreciate it.

From me, she gets a new iPad because hers broke a few weeks ago, as well as another American girl doll with furniture that matches it.

While Lilly is busy with her new toys Will and I open our presents too. From my parents, I get diamond studs and then I get different stuff from everyone else. then I open the present from Selena and Will bursts out laughing when he sees it. She got me lingerie with a note telling me to have a fashion show for my husband. I hate her and love her at the same time. "I won't object to seeing that fashion show love. I'm sure you would look sexy as hell" he says and holds up a little lace thong Selena got me, and I am red as a tomato.

"In your dreams William," I say and snatch it away from him. I'm going to kill Selena.

Then Will hands me a present that's from him and I raise my eyebrow in surprise "You got me a present" I say and bite my lip. Of course, I got him presents too, but I wasn't expecting something in return.

I take it and when I open it, I see it's a teal Tiffany's box. Opening it I smile because it's a necklace with two pendants, one W and one L. "So you can always have a piece of us with you. It might be cheesy, and you might hate it, but I thought it was cute" he says and scratches the back of his neck.

"I pulled some strings; it was really hard to get but I asked Selena what your favorite book was, and she told me. So I knew I had to figure out how to get a signed copy for you" he says, and I peck his lips again thanking him for doing that for me.

Then I hand him his presents, first, he opens his main gift an elegant, small-faced Patek Philippe watch. "It started ticking the same year you were born, so it's as old as you."

His fingers trace over the watch before pulling it out and putting it on his wrist. "Thank you, love, I will wear this every day for sure. It's so pretty and it is special because it is from you" he says and kisses me again. Before he opens more presents, I am so excited to put on the necklace, so he puts it on me while I hold my hair back.

Feeling the delicate chain around my neck and how the pendant hangs on my chest I feel special. He is right, it's going to be like having a piece of him and Lilly with me all the time. Sure it is a cheesy idea but it's also perfect and I love it. Sometimes I feel lonely in the world when the dark thoughts and anxiety take over, so this will remind me that I'm never alone.

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