Help me out

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'Stacy, how does my mascara look?' Quinn asks, ''it looks cool, where did you get it?' 'I got it-' Sandi butts in, 'mine is better, Stacy, look my eyelashes are sooo long, but that's mostly natural,' she stares in Quinns direction. Stacy looks over to Quinn, a sorry look on her face. 'Myyy eyelaaasshheess are sshhooortt,' Tiffany drones, looking for sympathy. 'No, they're nice,' Stacy rushes to reassure her friend, 'wooww, thankss Staaaccyy,' Tiffany replies, satisfied.

'Rinnngg!' The class bell echos through the bathroom. 'Let's like get lunch or whatever,' Sandi commands, pushing her hairbrush back into her bag. Trailing out of the bathroom Stacy stays at the back. Watching Quinn's skirt sway on her hips, her body speaking the language of love. 'She's so cute!' Stacy's head rushed for any words to describe her but how could you describe perfection. Her hair looked extra perky today. The summer had added highlights, bright orange among a sea of deeper amber; it flowed down her back, gently brushing against it. Her legs shone a film of body glitter spray, with the scent of Strawberries and cream. Stacy bought the spray, spraying it on her pillow at night, imagining it was her love.

'Hey Quinn why weren't you in math?' Jeffy, joey, and Jaime asked. 'Oh, uh, I forgot where the classroom was,' Quinn lied to the three J's. 'I can't show you were the classroom is,' they chimed in delayed unison. 'No I'm showing Quinn,' 'I'm showing her!' 'I'm her favourite!' 'I said it first!' They argued amount eachother, missing the girls walking away. 'Hey where did she go?'

Sandi's face morfed into a  bitter grimace, jealous of Quinn's attention. Stacy's eyes saddened and masked a brave smile, as she was too jealous of the attention on Quinn. But not because she wanted it, she didn't care about boys, as long as she was popular, she wanted to be able to flirt with Quinn like they did.

In the queue the girls discussed current issues. 'Glitter body spray will be out in fall, I can just tell,' 'But Sandi, glitter is never out of style if it matches!' 'Gee Quinn, are you trying to argue with me, you know I have like a 5th sense or whateverrr,' 'yeeaaa Quuiinnn, shhee's like soo smarrtt,' Tiffany defended. Stacy stood there, annoyed at Sandi, her crush on Quinn clouding her every interaction, making her scared to speak, but brave enough to act. Mustering up the courage to defend Quinn, 'I love glitter spray, I don't think it will be out for like ages!' Her palms sweating. Sandi looked at Stacy, 'you must be joking, I'll put it up to you being hungry.' Quinns eyebrows frowned at Stacy, a silent sorry.

'No way, they added a new salad dressing,' Stacy states, looking at the new flavours. 'I'm like having lemon, I don't like want a repeat of the raspberry thing,' 'mee tooo,' Tiffany agreed, filling up a mini cup with the dressing. Quinn paused, looking at the different dressings. Stacy stood alongside her. Turning her head,  'Do you like, want to come round my house tommorow, I need a dress for Friday,' flustered, Stacy replies gast, 'Yea! Uhh, I mean sure,' she trail off into an anxious silence. Quinn smiles back to her, 'yea, you're fashion taste is always good and you're like more helpful than Tiffany or Sandi - don't tell them that-' she told Stacy, feeling a weird tingle that she hadn't before. Like she let something go, she admitted to Stacy, that they were close. Quinn felt dumb but relived that she could be with just Stacy. Stacy's cheeks fell a shade of pink, matching Quinn's shirt.

'I think I'm going to pick the new mustard dressing,' Quinn tells Stacy. 'I think I will too,' she returns with a smile. Soemthing happened, they're felt closer than ever I that moment, like they weren't just the fashion club girls, they were more exclusive.

A hopeful desireTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang