An eventful lunch

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The fashion club stride to their place in the lunch hall. They sit, preached at their table, their popularity hard to ignore, you can see boys eyeing the table as they walk past. The girls each sit with the exact same meal: a diet soda and salad, dressing on the side.

'This soda is only 4 calories,' Sandi remarks. 'Mm niiccee,' Tiffany retorts. Stacy looks absently at the sky, making shapes out of the clouds. The clouds curve to the tip of Quinns nose, to the flick of her fringe, everywhere Stacy looked, she was reminded of her perfect friend. She drifts in and out of listening to the hard-hitting debates over wether or not camouflage will be coming back this season. 'Stacy, Stacy, God are you even listening?' Quinn looks at Stacy, confused. 'Oh, oh god, um, sorry Quinn it's just *Stacy panics, thinking up an excuse* I think my hair bands bobble looks uneven.' 'Gee Quinn, I can't believe you couldn't tell that poor Stacy is having a crisis, does camouflage which is NOT coming back in, matter more than your friend,' Sandi bitchly says. 'No of course not I-, I just want to know Stacy's opinion,' 'Oh so I'm now a liar Quinn,' The arguing fades out as Stacy drifts back into a daydream.

'Hey Quinn, wanna go out tonight?' Stacy's awoken by a stab through the heart, a knife lodged into her arteries, dragged across her chest, down to her thighs to rip apart her loins. Tears start to bloom in her eyes, her sharp nails dig into her thighs. Don't cry, only focus on the physical pain. She just wants to run away, yet her feet are locked to the disgusting, sticky cafeteria floor. 'Do you have concert tickets or are we going to che pier?' Quinn asked, uninterested. 'Let's get dinner at che pier,' 'OK, we can go tonight, come to my house at 5:30' 'Score, see ya Quinn.'

Silence graces that fashion club table as generic popular guy strides away, confidently grinning. Stacy abruptly stands up, 'My hair bobble, it's slipping' her voice trails as she runs to the bathroom.
Soemone should check on her, everyone knew it. Quinn decided that she should check on Stacy, she had felt close to her for some reason.

Tears glaze over her youthful cheeks, dancing a somber song. The drip of the old toilets echo throughout the empty bathroom. Footsteps approach the stall. Leather boots with  slight heel stand outside. Stacy's sniffles. 'Stacy, are you like ok, were ditching to go to the mall after lunch,' 'Yea Quinn, I'm coming, I didn't mean to cry, my mascara burnt my eye haha,' Stacy hates how she sounds, so pathetic, yet she wishes that she could be more vulnerable with Quinn. Quinn is doubtful over what Stacys really crying about, she too worries about how she appears around her friends.The room feels so safe despite the awkward atmosphere. RINNGG goes the lunch bell. 'Stacy, come on me have science, I'm trying to see if I can melt my lipstick into a gloss when the teachers not looking.' Stacy emerges put of her stall, her undereyes protruding slightly with red bags. Black clumps dotted around her face. 'Here let help, I have the best makeup wipes, they're also not tested on little bunnies which is good,' 'Thanks Quinn,' Stacy said with a shaky smile on her face. They left the bathroom.

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