Chapter 8

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Vegas look at Porsche with a full of love and ask.. 'Ready?' Porsche nod and say.. 'I hope you won't regret this Vegas..' Vegas kiss Porsche's lips once again and lift Porsche's leg and put it on his shoulder.. Porsche hiss in pain as he feels Vegas's junior start to thrust.. Porsche feel tears come out from his eyes and say.. 'Vegas... Please.. Stop this now.. Its hurt too much..' Vegas then say.. 'Sshh.. Its OK sweetheart.. You going to be fine.. I promise..' Vegas thrust Porsche gently and ask.. 'Feel better now?' Porsche then reply back.. 'Its still hurt..' Vegas smile softly and keep thrusting Porsche with a low speed until Vegas manage to hit those spot.. Porsche moan slowly and say.. 'Vegas.. Aaaah.. Please..' Vegas kiss Porsche's forehead and continue to thrust Porsche.. Porsche start to feel exhausted and say.. 'Vegas.. I..' Vegas nod in respond and release it inside of Porsche.. Porsche hiss in pain again as Vegas move closer towards Porsche... Porsche then say.. 'I thought you going to take it out..' Vegas chuckle at Porsche words and pull Porsche slowly towards him and say.. 'Let it be sweetheart..You should sleep.. I know you feel tired..' Vegas put Porsche's head on his chest and speak in his heart.. 'Finally Porsche.. You are mine..' Porsche then trace Vegas's face and say.. 'Please change me Vegas.. So that I can be like you..'

Vegas then stroke Porsche's head gently and say.. 'Its not an easy task Porsche.. What Im trying to say is..' Your life won't be the same as before..'Porsche hug Vegas and ask..' If you didn't want to change me.. How can I protect you from Kinn? 'Vegas kiss Porsche' s lips deeply and touch their foreheads together and reply back.. 'You already did it Porsche.. Just stay by my side is already more than enough for me..' Porsche face expression change and ask.. 'What about Arm?' Vegas then reply back.. 'Don't think about him Porsche.. He isn't important anyway..' Porsche then reply back.. 'How could you say that? Arm really care about you after all Vegas..' Vegas stroke Porsche's arms gently and say.. 'If Arm truly care about me.. he should respect my decision not being rude towards you..' Porsche close his eyes and fall asleep as Vegas humming a lullaby..

At Vegas realm..

Arm pov..

Arm is walking back and forth while thinking about Vegas.. Pol then say..' Arm.. Please calm down will you? You really give me a headache right now'..Thankhun on the other hands try to use his power to detect Vegas but fail.. Pol then say.. 'Im sure Vegas shield his mind from us.. I think he already have a sex with Porsche now.. And as for you Arm.. Please stop being mad at Porsche.. If you really consider Vegas as our king.. Please respect his decision..and stop being selfish!' Thankhun rub Pol' s shoulder and say.. 'Pol.. Please.. Calm down..' Arm then leave and dissappear.. Pol sigh heavily and sit beside Thankhun while cover his face.. Thankun then say.. 'Let Vegas decide Pol.. We still need to be careful of Kinn and his minions now..' Pol look at Thankun and ask.. 'Shall we go to human world? Im afraid we might disturb them..' Thankun then say.. 'Its the only way Pol.. We must talk to Vegas and Porsche.. Lets change our clothes first..'

At Porsche house

Porsche pov..

Porsche open his eyes and see Vegas isn't beside him.. Porsche get up and wear his clothes and then come out from his room and walk downstairs and see Vegas is talking to Thankun and Pol.. Porsche then speak in his heart.. 'What are they doing here? What am I suppose to do now?Should I just go back upstairs and stay in the room?' Thankun then see Porsche and say.. 'Porsche? What are you doing over there? Come here and join us..' Porsche start to feel nervous and walk towards them and sit beside Vegas.. Vegas hold Porsche's hand and say.. 'If you both want to get angry.. Just let it out on me.. not on Porsche..' Pol smile and ask.. 'How is it Porsche?' Porsche look at Pol and Thankhun then noticed a silly smiles on their faces and realize something.. Porsche then ask.. 'How do you guys know?' Thankun chuckle and answers back.. 'Well.. Of course we know Porsche.. Vegas even shield his mind from us..Where is your mom and little brother?' Porsche then answers.. 'They went for a vacation..' Suddenly.. Kinn, Big, Nodt, Damien and Lucifer appear in front of them.. Porsche feel shock and ask.. 'What are you guys doing here?!' Vegas quickly hide Porsche behind him and ask.. 'How do you know we are here?' Pol give them a sharp gaze while Thankun also feel shock as he see the last person who appear and say.. 'Arm..'

Arm smirk at them and say.. 'Im truly sorry but I have no choice since Vegas never listen to me.. So, Vegas.. I think you should decide.. Im doing this for your own sake..' Porsche then say.. 'Please let Vegas go and take me instead or kill me! Don't do anything to Vegas!' Vegas is about to attack Kinn but got hold by Damien and Lucifer.. Arm slap Vegas face hard then say.. 'You better look around Vegas.. Look at Porsche.. You think that stupid human can save you now?!' No Vegas.. Only I can save you!Thankhun also is about to attack along with Pol but fail as Kinn use his power to make them weak.. Porsche then start to fight Arm and punch him until he got fall on the floor.. Porsche quickly grab Arm' s shirt and lift him up then say.. 'Release them.. or I will kill you!' Vegas feel shock then yell.. 'Porsche! Put him down!' Kinn is about to use his power but got kick by Porsche as well.. Porsche then yell.. 'Release them!!' Porsche growl angrily and throw Arm outside of the house.. Arm yell in pain as he see his skin start to burn... Porsche smirk at Kinn and his minion then ask.. 'Who' s next? Should I do the same to you Kinn? 'Vegas use his power to attack Damien and Lucifer.. Pol help Thankun to get up while Kinn start to attack Porsche again but fail as Porsche punch Kinn.. Lucifer then say..' Kinn! We better leave now! 'Damien grab Kinn and Lucifer then dissappear..

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