Chapter 2

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At Vampire realm..

Vegas pov..

Vegas return to his realm and see his brothers are waiting for him.. Pol then ask.. 'Aow Vegas.. You are back?How is it?' Arm chuckle all of a sudden and reply back.. 'Well.. I guess Vegas already found his prey.. Am I right Vegas?' Vegas then say.. 'I should drink his blood earlier.. But,its because that guy is too coward.. I didn't have a chance to taste his sweet blood.. I will go to human world and disturb him again and again.. Until that guy surrender himself to me.. Its fun to have someone.. And.. Maybe I can use him as my new toy.. 'Pol frown and ask..' What do you mean as a new toy Vegas? Are you going to suck all of that man blood and kill him? 'Vegas sigh heavily and reply back..' I will mark him and make him belong to me.. Who ever mess with that guy will facing me instead.. 'Thankun who is silent since just now finally speak up..' Vegas.. I didn't mind if you want to visit that man.. But.. I need to warn you.. You need to be careful of Kinn.. If Kinn see you.. All of us will die! Kinn have a powerful allies with Lucifer and Damien.. Please think about this matter again Vegas.. Its for us.. For our family sake'.. Vegas leave his brothers then go to his chamber to rest..

At Porsche house..

Porsche pov..

Porsche finally arrives at his house and start to feel anxious.. Porsche then ask.. 'W.. Who is that guy? Why he wants to drink my blood?What did I do wrong? Should I resign from Yok bar? Who is going to take care of the bar? No.. No.. Porsche.. Vampire aren't real.. Yes...they are just myths.. Yes..' Porsche is about to go inside.. Suddenly feel a soft wind touch his skin.. Porsche shivers slowly and start to feel afraid.. Porsche turn around as he hears a sounds that come from the bushes... Porsche feel shock as he see a pair of yellow eyes are starring at him with a growl... Porsche cover his mouth and walk away from there while looking at those beast... The beast then walk slowly towards Porsche and stare at Porsche for a few minutes... Suddenly.. Porsche feel someone grab him from behind and say.. 'Stay away from him have no business here! Leave before I kill you!' Those beast growl and leave.. Porsche then look at that man and notice it was Vegas.. Porsche quickly push Vegas away from him and ask.. 'What are you doing here stranger? Please leave before I make a police report..' Vegas smirk evilly and ask.. 'Even if you call the cops.. You think they will believe everything you tell them? I didn't do anything to you yet.. Porsche Pachara Kittisawat.. Just consider yourself are lucky because those wolf didn't do anything to harm you yet.. That beast is waiting for a right moment to eat you alive.. Luckily I was quick.. So, you should be grateful to me..'Porsche is about to walk away but got stop by Vegas... Porsche gasp as he feels Vegas cold hands on Porsche's arms.. Porsche then ask..' W.. Who a.. are you..? '

Vegas pull Porsche and push him towards the wall and stare at him with a red glowing eyes.. Porsche is about to escape but fail as Vegas press Porsche body near the wall... Porsche then say.. 'P.. Please.. S.. Spare my life... I still have a family.. Killing me wont give you any benefits!' Vegas chuckle and lean his face near Porsche 's face and ask with a cold tone..' Well.. What if I kill you now hmm? 'Porsche gasp once again as he feels Vegas' s finger slowly tracing Porsche's whole face.. Porsche keep staring at Vegas's red eyes... Vegas then speak in his heart.. 'No.. Vegas.. You can't fell in love with a human! Its forbidden!' Vegas smell Porsche's neck and say.. 'You look very yummy, human... One day.. I will make you belong to me.. Just wait!' Vegas let Porsche out of his trap and dissappear..

Porsche feel his heart is about to explode.. Porsche quickly go inside and see the light is off.. Porsche breath out of relieve and walk upstairs and go into his room then take a warm shower.. While his mind is full of Vegas.. Porsche then say.. 'That man looks charming.. Even his eyes as well... His cold fingers touched my skin.. Will I able to meet the man again..?' Porsche shake his head slowly and continue shower..

Meanwhile in Edom

Kinn pov..

Kinn is standing at the balcony.. Suddenly.. Big come towards him and say..' Khun Kinn krub.. Its seems Vegas already found a new prey.. Its a human..'Kinn turn around and ask..' A human again? What is that human name Big? 'Big shake his head and reply back..' I don't know too Khun Kinn.. All I know is Vegas new prey is a human.. 'Kinn give Big a signal to leave him alone.. Kinn then see Ken and ask..' Is there any report Ken? 'Ken then reply back..' Well.. Its not only Vegas who is attracted to that human but that wolf as well..' Kinn smirk and reply back..' Kim will always be a lonely wolf Ken.. He met that human and Vegas.. I don't know between 2 of them.. Who will die first..' Ken then reply back..' Are you going to join this game as well Khun Kinn? 'Kinn rise his eyebrows and ask..' Are you underestimate your boss, Ken? Never ever forget that I have an alliance with Lucifer, Damien and Lilith.. Our clan are more powerful than Vegas's clan.. It will be easier for us to crush them all.. That human life wont last longer Ken.. I bet about that..' Ken clear his throat and leave Kinn.. Kinn sip the blood and smirk evilly..

Porsche Pov..

Porsche is about to sleep but feel shock as he feels someone is throwing something near the window.. Porsche then get up and walk towards the window and open it slowly and see a man.. That man then say.. ' you mind if I want to come in? Just for a while..' Porsche is about to answer but back away as he see a young man climb up and get into his room.. Kim look at Porsche and show his yellow eyes to Porsche.. Porsche gasp and fall on bed then ask.. 'W.. Who are you? What do you want from me? Please leave me now or I will scream..' Kim remain calm and say.. 'My name is Kim Theerapanyakul.. Im a wolf.. Or..a shape shifter.. Im here not to harm you but I want to keep your safe..' Porsche frown and ask.. 'What do you mean?' Kim then hold Porsche's hands and say.. 'Porsche..those guy that you met just now.. His name is Vegas Theerapanyakul and he is a leader from Vampire Realm.. Vegas Theerapanyakul is a vampire.. He is 1000 years old.. He is looking for a new prey.. You need to be careful Porsche.. Your life is in danger right now.. 'Porsche sigh heavily and ask..' Then, what do you expect me to do? Run away and leave my family all alone? 'Kim then reply back..' Well.. Vegas will keep hunting you down until he get your blood.. Even for a drop Porsche.. 'Kim suddenly feel choke and notice Vegas long nail is pierce through his neck and ask..' A lonely wolf shouldn't suppose be here.. Get out and save life before you become a meal for my brothers '.. Vegas' s eyes start to change into black.. Kim then dissappear without saying anything to Porsche.. Porsche then look at Vegas with a fear..and say.. 'Please leave me Vegas..' Vegas smirk and push Porsche towards his bed and start to sniff Porsche and say.. 'No, human.. You are my prey and toys.. I won't let you go..'

A Vampire PreyTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon