Chapter 6

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Porsche pov

Porsche wake up slowly and see Vegas is looking at him with a soft smile on his face... Porsche adjust himself as Vegas hug Porsche even more and say.. 'You sleep more Porsche.. Don't worry about anything.. You are safe here..' Vegas get up as he hears Thankun's voice from the outside.. Porsche quickly get up and say.. 'You should go Vegas.. Phi Thankun is looking for you..' Vegas then say.. 'Just stay here.. I will be right back..' Porsche nod and stay in the chamber while Vegas leave the chamber and see Thankun is sitting on the chair.. Vegas walk towards Thankun and touch his shoulder gently and ask.. 'Phi.. Where is Arm and Pol? What happened? And..where is Kim?' Thankun then reply back.. 'Arm and Pol went for hunting while Kim already disappeared.. Where is Porsche by the way?' Porsche then come out from Vegas's chamber and reply back.. 'Im right here Phi Thankun na krub..'

Thankhun turn around and smile as he see Porsche.. Thankun then ask.. 'How are you doing hmm? Did Vegas treat you nicely?' Vegas walk towards Porsche and put his arms around Porsche's shoulder and reply back.. 'Of course phi.. Porsche is my guest..' Thankun chuckle and ask back..'Well..guest or your beloved?' Porsche smile a little and see Arm and Pol finally return.. Thankhun look at his brothers and ask.. 'How is it boys?' Arm wipe his mouth and answers back.. 'We managed to hunt 2 mountain lions..' Vegas smile with a proud expression and say.. 'Wow.. Its absolutely fantastic! Porsche.. Lets go to the forest..' Arm's voice suddenly rise up and ask.. 'What the fuck Vegas?!' What if Ken and Big snatch that human from you huh?! You know very well Vegas! You know that our kind can't fall in love with a human! Porsche definitely will bring a doom for all of us! Please chase that bastard out from your realm or I will leave!' Arm then look at Porsche with anger then walk away.. Pol sigh heavily and pat Porsche's shoulder and reply back..' Don't take Arm's words straight to your heart Porsche.. Arm is really close with Vegas.. Arm never complain or get mad if Vegas do something.. But this time.. Its already cross the line.. Vegas fell in love with you Porsche.. And it will bring a great danger to all of us here.. 'Vegas pull Porsche to stand behind him and say..' You should talk to Arm.. That shitty dude are dare enough to scold Porsche infront of me! '

Porsche feel his cheek already wet.. Thankhun bring Porsche into his embrace and hug him gently and say..' Its OK Porsche.. Vegas will always protect you na krub.. 'Porsche hide his face near Thankun' s chest.. Thankhun rub Porsche's back gently and communicate with Vegas.. 'Vegas.. You need to send Porsche back to his house.. Me and Pol have something to discuss with you.. Off you go now..' Vegas then say.. 'Porsche.. Lets go back..' Porsche then wipe his tears and stand behind Thankun and reply back.. 'Phi.. Please send me na krub..' Pol look at Porsche with a worry expression and say.. 'Phi Thankun.. I will handle Arm.. Don't worry..'

Thankhun then say.. 'Come Porsche.. Phi will bring you back to your house na..' Thankhun hold Porsche's hand and teleport to human world and see Kim.. Porsche frown and ask.. 'Is that Kim? What is he doing here?' Kim then noticed Thankhun and Porsche already return.. Kim walk towards Porsche and ask.. 'Porsche? Are you ok? Phi Thankun, what happened to Porsche? Why is he crying?' Thankun raise his hand and say.. 'Alright.. Kim.. Please calm down ok? Porsche is fine.. Don't worry.. Arm scold Porsche just now.. Vegas is too stubborn..He fell in love with Porsche, Kim.. Arm is trying to stop him.. but Vegas never listen..If Kinn come for Porsche.. I don't know what to say anymore.. Im counting on you my little brother.. 'Kim nod and say..' You should go before someone see you here Phi.. I will take care of Porsche.. Lets go inside Porsche.. 'Thankun nod and dissappear while Kim and Porsche go inside the house.. Porsche then sit on the sofa and remember about Vegas.. Kim touch Porsche' s shoulder gently and say.. 'The reason why Vegas and Kinn are enemies because our father, Mr Korn choose Vegas as a king over Kinn.. And that made Kinn envy Vegas.. And.. The reason why Arm scolded you just now its because of Vegas's safety.. If Vegas dare enough to fell in love with you.. Vegas need to expose himself under a sunlight.. Thats the only way for him to die Porsche.. Arm is trying to save Vegas from commit suicide.. Vegas need to have a war with Kinn.. If he choose you as his mate.. '

Porsche feel shock as he hears those words and ask..' Does it mean that Vegas will sacrifice himself for me Kim? 'Kim nod and reply back..' Yes Porsche.. That's the truth.. I know you already started to love him but you still deny it.. 'Kim then say..' Porsche.. The most important thing is.. you need to focus more on your self than worry about others... Vegas is a vampire and he is powerful than you.. Let him handle Kinn and his minions by his own.. 'Porsche sigh heavily and reply back..' Even if I care about Vegas.. Did Vegas ever know Kim? 'Kim smile and say..' Of course he already know Porsche.. Vegas main power is mind reading and teleportation.. Vegas other power is speed and strength.. Kinn is considered as a powerful vampire because he had an allies.. Without those.. He is weak and nothing Porsche..' Porsche then ask..' If I say.. I want to be a vampire and fight with Kinn.. Will Vegas change me Kim? 'Kim shake his head and ask back..' Porsche.. Do you realize what did you just say? Become a vampire is too dangerous.. Once you become a newborn vampire.. You need to control your thirst.. You must learn how to hunt.. Are you able to do it Porsche? 'Porsche then reply back with a confidence..' Of course I can do it Kim.. Im stronger than you think! 'Porsche look away and sigh with frustration.. Kim then say..' You are messy Porsche.. You should go upstairs and relax your self.. Calm your mind.. I guess your mother and little brother are resting.. You didn't want to disturb them aren't you? I need to go now.. Take care Porsche..' Kim then leave Porsche all alone.. Porsche then go upstairs and have a rest..

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