The Sound of Freedom

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**Brandon POV**

I was in the process of being breifed by the commander. The others weren't paying that much attention.

Com. Milton: "Good job on that last mission, thanks to the hard drive you retrived, we have everything that we need. Meaning we can start taking out as many as these bastards as possiable."

Brandon: "You still haven't told us who these 'bastards' we're fighting are."

Scarlet: "Yeah, who are we fighting again?"

Com. Milton: "As you know, many people don't exactly support our cause. While some do support the A.S.S, the-"

Brandon: "I'm gonna stop you right there cause you don't seem to be catching on."

Erica: "On to what?"

Brandon: "You know your team's abbreviation?"

Scarlet: "Yeah?"

Btandon: "Remove the periods."

I took them a lot longer then it should, but they finally caught on.

Glory: "...OH MY GOD!!"

Brandon: "Yyyyup."

Scarlet: "How long have we've been calling ourselves that!?"

Jaylen: "Well, how long did you know that Slayer?"

Brandon: "How long has this army been in service?"

Erica: "...this whole TIME!?"

Brandon: "Right from get go."

Com. Milton: "Can we get back to the task at hand?"
(underbreath)'19 years? Fucking really?'

Brandon: "We can. What's the objective?"

He pulled out a file and showed a trafficking camp. A camp called Bonecrack.

Scarlet: "Isn't this a transfer center?"

Com. Milton: "That's the thing, they went dark over twenty hours ago. They've been incharge of the childern that get filtered out of the holding camps before shipping them to detention centers."

'You. Fucking. Idiots.'

**Scarlet POV**

I looked at the pictures and saw how fortified it was.

Glory: "And how does this concern us?"

Com. Milton: "According to the files on the hard drive, they were shipping some kind of cargo in and out, we don't know it could be but-"


The Slayer slammed his fist on the conference table and stormed out of the briefing room. None of us knew what just happened.

Glory: "That was dramatic."

Scarlet: "I'm gonna check up on him."

Erica: "I'm sure he's fine."

Scarlet: "Maybe, but it's my decision to make."

I left the room to find him, thinking he might be at the gym.

**Brandon POV**

I punched the 13th punching bag off its hook, putting another one in it's place. I then punched that one off it's hook. I put another one up.

Scarlet: "What are you doing?"

Brandon: "Channeling my ANGER!!"

I punched it through the window leading to the hallway.

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