Timeing and Precision

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**Brandon POV**

I stood in my room, feeling guilty. Why did I get luxury while my pack froze to death? I stood there, not knowing that Erica was behind me.

Erica: "You okay?"

Brandon: "Like you'd fucking care."

Erica: "Belive or or not, I actually do. I just wish that asshole didn't shoot the president. Things may have turned out different."

Brandon: "If it didn't happen then, it would've happened later. Not that it matters, because it's all in the past now."

Erica: "Well, maybe. But I still care. We've been trying to help Humans for a while now.

Brandon: "Actions speak louder than words."

*Erica Trust level +3, currently 8*

Erica: "Still, you should do more then stand here and mope."

Brandon: "Like what, the gym?"

Erica: "Why not, you can always strengthen yourself."

She walked out the door as I tried to comprehend what she said. But it did sound like a good idea to strengthen myself now then later. You never know.

**Charlie POV**

Sally: "Can we listen to somthing that ISN'T this?"

Charlie: "Shit, sorry. Forgot you have a diffrent taste in music."

Sally: "Much better."

We drove another 2 miles before reaching the border. I just went off the road abit and just drove by.

They tore down the human made fences that made the border and just set up check points to prevent civilians from entering uncharted lands. But that didn't stop them from expanding cities into there.

Charlie: "We're about three hours from there. I'd catch up on sleep if I were you."

She took my advice and started to snore. I didn't need to sleep, but i was still stressed out. It'll be over soon.

**Brandon POV**

I was in the gym doing some pullups, trying to get ready for my mission. I took off most of my gear, like my coat, helmet, and tanks. I also had some looks heading my way, dirty glares and what not. I got done with it and I headed over to the weights to do some bench presses.

'Should I do 300, or 350? 350.'

I threw the weights on as I saw out the corner of my eye a group of Furs walking up to me.

Wolf Fur: "You shouldn't be here No-Fur."

Brandon: "You're racism needs some work."

Wolf Fur: "Oh really?"

I threw the same weights on the other side of the bar.

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