He really didn't miss this.

"Gramps! Stop it!" Luffy cried out, raising his hands to protect his skull from a potential flying fist. He peered up at his grandfather, a frown decorating his features; the old man's hair was greying, and he had more wrinkles than the last time the boy had seen him, but his shit-eating grin was still as vibrant as before. He wore his usual pristine white marine coat—no doubt, if Luffy were to look, Justice would be printed in bold black letters, conveying the Navy's belief. The thought made Luffy scowl.

"Stupid kid, what's this I hear? Red-Hair making Windmill Village his base camp for a year! Why was I not made aware of this?" His eyes were on Luffy, but the question was really directed toward Makino, who stood frozen beside the younger Monkey.

"Uhm... I thought you knew?" She murmured, her hands twisting nervously in front of her, not daring to meet Garp's heavy gaze. It was obviously a lie, and if Luffy were more perceptive, he might've understood, there was a lot more unsaid between the two.

The Marine growled, "Bunch-a pirate-sympathizers... Red-Hair is no good! Granted, he's the better option compared to some other crews out there—" he muttered to himself, his hand resting on his chin as he pondered aloud. "Nonetheless, he's a wanted pirate, and my Fist of Justice will bring him in for his crimes! Who does he think he is? Hanging around my grandson?" He threw his hands in the air in frustration, stomping off toward Makino's bar.

Luffy and Makino followed along on their tiptoes, both aware of how the Marine loved to take out his frustrations. However, despite the years of being a victim to his grandfather's "Fist of Love" Luffy could not manage to keep his mouth shut: "Don't talk about Shanks like that!"

Garp stopped entirely, turning around to glare at his grandson. His face was redder than normal.

Makino moved closer to Luffy, her hand resting on his shoulder, urging him to hush. "What did you say?"

The younger boy huffed, his cheeks puffing in agitation. Really, how stupid was his gramps? "Shanks is a great pirate! And he's cool! I'm going to be a pirate just like him, y'know?"

Almost in slow-motion, Luffy watched his grandfather's face twist into something damn-near murderous. He wouldn't kill his grandson, right? The small boy paled at the image that formed in his mind: Garp stood over his grave, consoling a grief-stricken Makino, murmuring things like, "I couldn't have a pirate-sympathizer as a grandson, Makino..." Or, "There, there, he's in a better place! Far away from Red-Hair!" Luffy gripped at the straw hat in his hand, not-so discreetly hiding it behind his back.

Of course, his grandfather didn't miss the boy's movements—his glare zeroed in on the straw hat, recognition flickering through his eyes. "Is that—" His body went rigid, and for once, Luffy wisely shut up. He trembled in one spot, his grip tight on the straw hat. He expected his grandfather to roar loudly, to pummel him into the ground for daring to interact with Shanks or wear his hat around (proudly at that). But he did none of that. Garp, for the first time ever, seemed oddly silenced, as though somebody had stolen his tongue. Rather than yelling like a demon, freshly escaped from Hell, he sighed, heavily. His shoulders dropped, letting go of any anger he felt—it was such a surprising sight to see, that Luffy dropped his hat to the ground in genuine shock. The old man didn't falter (he never did), and bent down, his knees cracking with the action and picked up the straw hat. He dusted it off, peering at the frail straw with a resigned look. "Tell me, Luffy, why did that bastard give this to you?" He questioned, his brow furrowed.

Luffy's hand twitched to reach out and grasp his precious straw hat, but he held it back, diligently responding—with as much patience as he could muster (a feat for the ages): "We made a promise." Was all he could say in that moment of timid silence.

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