Episode 9: Coming to Visit

Start from the beginning

Van: sure we can come to Seoul and help our daughter

Lucy: and what about our son Vex how's he doing

Kim Wu: oh he's doing fine but it's your daughter who's not fine cause she really wants Ketsueki dead and gone

Van: well that's how me and my wife are feeling right now

Kim Wu: yeah I know but listen we're just not sure what powers Ketsueki got after 23 years of hiding so it's best to wait for our chance to strike before he does

Van: alright sure we'll be there

Lucy: don't forget to let them know both Lisa and Vex

Kim Wu: understood thanks for the talk

Van: your welcome

Kim Wu: have a nice day you two, we'll see you in a couple of hours *phone call ends*

Lucy: *gives Van breakfast 🥞* enjoy your meal sweetheart 😘

Van: awww *both kiss* thanks honey

Lucy: *giggles* your very welcome

*Back at the academy*

Vex: Hey sis you better keep it together

Emily: yeah Vex is right your not feeling good cause what Ketsueki said

Lisa: I know...I know...I just....I just want daddy to be safe and so would mommy

Vex: I feel you sis so let us help you

Lexin: yeah we can take down Ketsueki together at a team

Mally: yeah we can do it together

Diana: our strength together as one we can easily defeat him in one go

Lisa: you don't get it but mommy told me that Ketsueki is Immortal meaning he can't die

Vex: oh that's right mom told us that

Kap Jr: even if he's immortal we can still beat him right?

Diana: he did survive getting a sword in his chest

Lisa: it seems we all pay attention in history class

Emily: yes we did and it was important to learn about the Battle of Eagle City

Lisa: so anyways yeah he took a sword to the chest at the end of the battle then shockingly he came back after 23 years of hiding

Diana: how on earth could he have done that

Mally: maybe he has is very own Ninja gum?

Vex: ninja gum? but how it's very secured

Kap Jr: or maybe he created his own type of gum like Samurai Gum cause he is a Shogun and Shoguns are samurai leaders

Lisa: so maybe the black bloods are really a Samurai clan?

Mally: that's very surprising

Lisa: maybe one day we'll capture Ketsueki and have him answer all our questions?

Kim Wu: *arrives* Lisa and Vex I have some good news

Lisa: Kim Wu what is it?

Kim Wu: your parents are coming here to check up on you


Vex: Oh sweet can't wait to see them again

Emily: with their help I think Lisa will be alright

Ninjala Van X Lucy Love Birds 3: Lisa's Journey Where stories live. Discover now