Chapter 20

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Scene: Back at the Stone Table, That Morning

 (Lucy and Susan who have fallen asleep over Aslan's body, wake up.) Susan: We should go. Lucy: I'm so cold Y/n: get my coat (Susan helps Lucy down the steps from the Stone Table. They start walking away, the earth shakes and there is a cracking sound. The three girls fall over.) Lucy: Ah! (Lucy looks back at the Stone Table) Susan & Y/N!(They walk back towards the Stone Table which has cracked and from which Aslan's body has disappeared.) Lucy: Where's Aslan?Susan: What have they done? Y/N: What happpen(The sun shines brightly on their faces as they look towards the archway. Aslan appears with a nice new mane, and he is also a bit larger than before.) Susan, Y/N, and Lucy: Aslan! (They run around the table and throw themselves at him. Aslan laughs) Susan: But we saw the knife. The Witch. Aslan: If the Witch knew the true meaning of sacrifice, she might have interpreted the Deep Magic differently. That when a willing victim who has committed no treachery is killed in a traitor's stead, the Stone Table will crack and even Death itself will turn backwards. Susan: We sent the news that you were dead. Peter and Edmund will have gone to war. Lucy: (draws dagger) We have to help them. Y/N: we have to go fast Aslan: We will, dear one, but not alone. Climb on my back. We have far to go and little time to get there. And you might want to cover your ears. (He lets out a roar.)

Scene: Aslan's Flight

 Cut to Aslan and the girls galloping through beautiful countryside at top speed. Susan: Where are we going? [Aslan doesn't answer but over the trees, the Witch's Castle comes into view.] Aslan: Hang on!

Scene: Inside the Witch's Castle, Courtyard

 (Cuts to stone centaur in the Witch's Castle. Lucy, Y/N, and Susan are looking for Mr. Tumnus. Lucy spots him in his stone state and starts to cry. Susan kisses her head and hugs her. Aslan walks up and breathes on Mr. Tumnus and Mr. Tumnus changes back. He falls forward into Lucy and Susan's arms. He looks up recognizing Lucy and smiles. )Lucy: Susan & Y/N, this is... Susan: Mr. Tumnus! (They hug, and then they see Aslan) Aslan: Come, we must hurry and search the castle. Peter will need everyone we can find. 

Scene: Back to the battle again!

 Faun: Ah!(Two griffins dive toward the Witch, who swiftly slashes at one and turns the other into stone. It shatters on a boulder.) Peter: Edmund! There's too many! Get out of here! Get the girls and get them home! Mr Beaver: You heard him! Let's go! (Starts to drag Ed away. Ed sees the Witch advance towards Peter who is oblivious and starts to go back.) Mr Beaver: Peter said get out of here! Edmund: Peter's not king yet.(Edmund rushes down the hill, jumps next to the Witch and brings his sword down on the Witch's wand, smashing it. There is a flash of blue light. Peter turns. Edmund pauses, giving the Witch the advantage to rid him of his shield and stab him with the remains of her wand.) Peter: (yelling but silenced) Edmund! (Edmund collapses and lies still)(Peter charges angrily at the Witch and they fight, the battle is vigorous.)Peter: Ah! We see Aslan's feet for a second, running quickly across rocky terrain, Peter and the Witch pause when they hear Aslan's roar from the top of a cliff.)  White Witch: Impossible!(Peter and the Witch continue to fight. Aslan, and his army, rush to join the battle. The Witch trips Peter and pins him to the ground with one of her swords through his chain mail. She stands over him about the deliver the death blow, looks up, Aslan leaps at her, and pins her to the ground. The Witch looks up, and we see her point of view as Aslan bites toward the camera. Peter stands holding his sword as everything else appears sped up around him.)Aslan: It is finished. (Lucy and Susan run up to Peter.) Susan: Peter! Lucy: Peter! Y/N: Peter Susan: Where's Edmund? (The three run off, to look for Edmund.)(Ginarrbrik hobbles up and is about to finish Edmund) Susan: Edmund! (She fires an arrow, and kills the dwarf.) Ginarrbrik: Ah!(Edmund coughs and gasps. Lucy pulls out her cordial and places one drop on Edmund's lips. The other children's eyes fill with tears. He stops moving momentarily before gasping and sitting up. Peter grabs him into a hug and presses his face into his shoulder, crying before letting go and holding onto him.)Peter: When are you gonna learn to do as you're told?(All laugh and embrace Edmund, who notices Aslan. The others turn and see Aslan breathe on a stone satyr, bringing it back to life. Lucy looks at her cordial then runs off to heal others. The camera sweeps over the scene and morphs into a shot of mermaids swimming down a river and leaping about in front of a castle.) 

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