Chapter 19

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Scene: The Stone Table 

 (Lucy is tossing and turning in her bed. She sits up suddenly as we see the shadow of Aslan go past) Lucy: (loudly whispers) Susan Y/N! (Susan & Y/N wakes up. The girls get up and creep out from their tent and follow Aslan. They dart behind trees until Aslan realizes they're following him.) Aslan: Shouldn't you both be in bed? Lucy: We couldn't sleep .Susan: Please, Aslan. Couldn't we come with you? Y/N: we just want to keep you safe Aslan: I would be glad of the company for a while. Thank you. (They grasp his mane and walk beside him for a while.) Aslan: It is time. From here, I must go on alone. Susan: But Aslan... Aslan: You have to trust me. For this must be done. Thank you, Susan. Thank you, Lucy. Thank you Y/N And farewell.(Y/N leads Lucy & Susan off towards another area of the wood where they can see the Stone Table. The Table is surrounded by the Witch's creatures, holding torches and jeering as Aslan walk sup the steps to the table. The Witch steps up onto the table, wearing a gray dress. She hold stone knife in front of her. Aslan sees this and seems even sadder. He stops in front of the Table.) White Witch: Behold. The great lion. (Otmin pokes him with the sharp end of his ax before slamming it into him and knocking Aslan to the floor.) Ginarrbrik: Do you want some milk? Lucy: Why doesn't he fight back? White Witch: Bind him! Random Creature: Tie him up! Get him!(The creatures tie his legs and muzzle him.)White Witch: Wait! Let him first be shaved.(The creatures begin cutting off Aslan's mane.) White Witch: Bring him to me.(Aslan is dragged onto the Stone Table before the Witch's feet. She kneels beside him.)White Witch: You know, Aslan, I'm a little disappointed in you. Did you honestly think by all this you could save the human traitor? You are giving me your life and saving no one. (she chuckles) So much for love. (she stands up and addresses the crowd) Tonight... the Deep Magic will be appeased! But tomorrow, we will take Narnia forever! (the music gets faster) In that knowledge, despair... (Aslan and Lucy's eyes lock) ... and die!(She plunges in the knife and Aslan's eyes widen in shock and pain before slowing closing. Lucy, Y/N and Susan begin sobbing.) White Witch: The Great Cat... dead! (The rabble cheers loudly. She addresses Otmin) General. Prepare your troops for battle. However short it may be. 

Scene: Later that Night

(The girls walk up the step and cry and lean on Aslan. Lucy unscrews her bottle of healing potion.)Susan: It's too late. He's gone. He must have known what he was doing. Y/n: come here baby (Lucy buries her face into your chest. Both girls succumb to their grief. Mice approach and begin chewing through the bonds.)Susan: Get away! Get away, all of you! Y/n: wait Susan Lucy: No. Look. (they follow the mice and remove the bonds)Susan: We have to tell the others. Lucy: We can't just leave him! Y/n: we have to go and warn them Susan: Lucy, there's no time. They need to know. Lucy: The trees.(Leaves blow in the wind.) 

Scene: Aslan's Camp 

(The wind blows petals into Aslan's camp and into the boys' tent. Peter wakes up and draws his sword in fear. Edmund looks confused and a bit scared as a Dryad forms out of the petals.)Dryad: Be still, my Princes. I bring grave news from your sisters and your friend.(Peter walks out of Aslan's tent towards where Oreius and Edmund are waiting beside a table covered in battle plans)Peter: She's right. He's gone. Edmund: Then you'll have to lead us. Peter, there's an army out there and it's ready to follow you. Peter: I can't .Edmund: Aslan believed you could. And so do I. Oreius: The Witch's army is nearing, sire. What are your orders? 

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