Chapter 10

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Discovering Narnia
Start walking toward Mr. Tumnus' cave through snow End of line of Lucy ....and tea and ..... (sees open door and runs off) Peter: Lucy! (They all run to Tumnus house Lucy: who would do something like this? (Edmund steps on broken pictures of Tumnus dad) Susan: Peter what is that on the wall? Peter reads: the former occupant of these premises, the Faun Tumnus, is under arrest and awaiting his trial on a charge of High Treason against her imperial majesty Jadis, Queen of Narnia, Chatelaine of Cair Paravel, Empress of the Lone Islands, also to comforting her said majesty enemies, harboring spies and fraternities with humans. Sign mauhrim, captain of the secret police, long live the queen. Susan: now we should really go Lucy: but we have to help him! Y/n: Lucy we have to because we have are going to get hurt Peter: it's out of our hands now Lu.
Lucy: you don't get it do you? I'm the human!!! He helped me! Peter: maybe we should call the police Susan: these are the police! Edmund: besides he's a criminal! Peter: don't Lucy, we'll think of something Robin: psst! Susan: did that bird just psst us? Oustide again
They step outside, they hear rustled from the bushes. Mr. Beaver approaches Lucy: its a beaver ( Peter approaches the beaver, clicking his tongue Peter: here, boy *clicks* come here... *clicks* (Peter let's out his hand, Mr. Beaver stares at it then sits upright Mr. Beaver: well, I ain't gonna smell it if that's what you want! Edmund: its talking beaver! Mr. Beaver: Lucy Lucy: yes? (Mr. Beaver hands her the handkerchief) this is the handkerchief I gave to Mr- Mr. Beaver: Tumnus. He gave it to me just before they took him Lucy: is he alright? Mr. Beaver: further in (scurried off, Susan grabs Peter by the arm) Susan: Peter, we don't know what you are doing Edmund: she right. How do we know we can trust this beaver Peter: he says he know the faun Susan: he's a beaver... he shouldn't be saying anything! Mr. Beaver: is everything alright? Peter: yes we were just talking y/n: we should just follow them so we can know more of this land.

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