Chapter 2

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We get down the train and wait for someone to come pick us up I was holding Lucy and Peter hands. We see a car pass by we thought it was for us but drove past us. Susan said " the professor knew we were coming" Edmund "perhaps we've been incorrectly labeled" a horse approaches Mrs. Macready "come one, huh! And whoa whoa." Peter ask "Mrs. Macready" Mrs. MaCready " I'm afraid so... is this it, then? Haven't you brought anything else?" Peter " no ma'am. Its just us." Mrs Macready "small favors" Susan and Edmund get on and I help Lucy to get on Peter grabs my hand so I get on. We wait for the cart to move I lay my head on Peter shoulder.
       Timeskip at the Professor's Mansion
Mrs. Macready" Professor Kirke is not accustomed to having children in this house. And as such, there are a few rules we need to follow. There will be no shouting. Or running. No improper use of dumbwaiter. NO touching of the historical artifacts! And above all, there shall be no disturbing of the professer."
       Later that night
I was sitting on my bed next to Peter we were hearing the radio playing on the background Susan hoes turn it off. Lucy "the sheets feel scratchy" I go over to Lucy "wars don't last forever' Lucy. We'll be home soon." Edmund "yeah, if home still there" I said " isn't time you were in bed" Edmund "yes mom" Peter ''Ed!" Peter turn to Lucy and I "you saw outside. This place is huge. We can do whatever we want here. Tomorrow going to be great. Right Y/N?" I said " it will be fun tomorrow Lu we can play whatever you want okay love" I put Lucy to sleep and Susan is already asleep. We go out to the room "goodnight peter" "goodnight love everything will be alright Y/N" "okay I trust you" Peter kiss my forehead after that we went to our owns room this is the first time we sleep by ourselves.

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