Chapter 4

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Tumnus slowly walks out as Lucy picks up package. "Uh, ch... ch.. child" stammering Lucy "were you hiding from me?" Tumnus" no. Uh, well. I just... I... no. I-I-I just, um... I didn't want to scare you. Lucy "if you don't mind my asking... what are you?" Tumnus " well, I'm a .... (sighs) well I'm a Faun. And what about you? You must be some kind of.... beardless dwarf? Lucy" I'm not a dwarf l. I'm a girl! And, actually, I'm tallest in my class." Tumnus "do you mean to say that you're a Daughter of Eve?" Lucy "well, my mum's name is Helen..." Tumnus" yes, but you are in fact a human?" Lucy" yes, of course" Tumnus " what are you doing here?" Lucy" well, I was hiding in the wardrobe in the spare room, and...." Tumnus" spare oom? Is that Narnia?" Lucy" Narnia? What's that?" Tumnus "well, dear, you're in it! Everything from the lamppost, all the way to Castle Cair Paravel on the Eastern Ocean, every stick and stone you see, every icicle.... is Narnia" Lucy " this is awfully big wardrobe" Tumnus scoffs" War Drobe? (Aloud) I'm sorry. Please allow me to introduce myself. My name is Tumnus" lucy" pleased to meet you, Mr. Tumnus! I'm Lucy Pevensie. (Extends hand).... oh, you shake it" Tumnus shakers her hand left to right. "Well, then, Lucy Pevensie from the shining city of War Drobe in the wonderous land Spare Oom, how would it be if you came and had tea with me? Lucy" well, thank you very much, but I.... I probably should be getting back" Tumnus''yes, but it's just around the corner! And there'll be a glorious fire with toast and cakes! And-and, perhaps, we'll even break into the sardines" Lucy "I don't know '' Tumnus "come one its not even day I get to make a new friend" Lucy "well, I suppose I could come for a little while. If you have sardines." Tumnus "by the bucketload" they walk arm-in-arm to Tumnus house "not much further... wait until you see it. You all right" Lucy " mm-hm" Lucy stops when she sees the door again in awe of Narnia Tumnus '' well, here we are come along"
Sorry guys that I haven't post anything I've been busy with doing stuff for the university and also been working in the mornings and having dance practice too. But I will try to post once or twice a week.

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